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You lie face up on yours and Donna's s
small shared bed, unable to sleep so just staying awake through the entire night. At least the walls are thick; you can't hear any... noises.

Some time around when the sky turns amber and you're at the window taking pictures and staring at the sea just able to be seen from here, the door creaks open and you instantly turn around and stare at your sister with arms crossed and one eyebrow up. You're already dressed for today, in a white vest and denim shorts adorned with applique that Donna stitched on in an effort to make you give them to her because she thought you wouldn't like them (she was right, but you keep them because you don't want to give her the satisfaction); she, on the other hand, has done up her clothing from yesterday wrong, and her hair is so rumpled it could be yours.

Donna stares motionless, caught in the act, until she eventually says, "I know I said I wasn't-"
"But you did," you interrupt deadpan, and turn back to the window. Maybe if you focus on the sea, you can pretend this last night didn't actually happen and your twin didn't leave you. Again.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, okay?" you hear behind you, and the sound of packing. She's doing exactly what you thought she would: packing so you two can leave before he wakes up and sees she's not in bed with him. It's her trademark move for when she's done something she isn't really proud of - one time when you were kids, she fell out of a tree and then somehow blamed it on you, who was inside the house yelling at her to not climb the tree in the first place.

Bitterly and still looking out the window, you ask, "How was it?"
She pauses before stuffing more things in her bag. "He said it was the best event in his life, asked how it was for me, then thanked me."
You sniff. "That's how it usually goes."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that I've heard this story at least 17 times beforehand, and it almost always ends with you finding a reason not to go back to him."

Donna places a hand on my shoulder and you turn to her, a stern expression on your face.
Her eyes soften, as if pleading with you. "I'm sorry I ditched you, okay? I know I should'nt've, but I did-"
"Again," you interrupt with venom.
"Okay, again," she admits, looking downward for a second, "but I promise I won't again."

You raise an eyebrow, and almost immediately she cracks.
"Okay, well, at least not til we're properly happy and settled somewhere. Both of us, I promise. Yeah?"
You sigh, and shake her offered hand even though she'll most likely break it within a couple weeks. Not much you can do about it, though.
"Hey, where's that guitar I was promised?"
She points to the corner of the room, and there it is, a wooden guitar with stickers all over it and the initials H.B.
"What's H.B. stand for?" you ask, and she takes her time before taking her hand away from mine and muttering, "Headbanger."

You don't even wanna know.

Donna moves away and zips up all her bags, now stuffed with everything she owns, and gestures to you.
"How hurry up. We have a train to catch, and then another, and then another!"


The two of you reach the jetty and Donna points through your mesh of bags to the boat to Kalokairi.
"Come on, come on!"
"I am!" you puff as you run to the passport guy in the small blue hut to approve you onto the boat.

The man in the hut with a jet black beard studies both your passports, is silent for a moment as you watch him wildly, then remarks, "You both look the same."
You stare at him. Seriously? You travel to France, to Switzerland, to Italy, to Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece... and the only thing that's stood in your way the whole time is a man who doesn't understand genetics?!
"Yeah, we're twins, I have frizzier hair and she has nicer eyebrows," you say hurriedly, darting looks between the boat and here.
The man is silent for a while again whilst you look at each other helplessly, then he says to Donna, "You grew your hair. I like it shorter."
She scratches her head, frustrated. "Yeah, I know. We could talk about that, but the ferry is about to leave any second and we really want to be on it. I think big things are waiting for us."

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