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Your POV

You and Bill walk along the marketplace, him every so often stopping by a stall to pick up a silly trinket or accessory and model it to make you laugh. You do, every time, and hang onto his arm and kiss his cheek. He laughs at that, a low funny-sounding laugh, and kisses yours in return.

It's cute. You're cute. For the first time, you're in a happy, fun, cute relationship. You haven't even had sex, that's how much it means. If someone like Bill hasn't had sex with you but is being as loving as this, it must mean something more.

You smile to yourself as he stops to buy something. You wonder what this means? To him, you mean, you know how much this means to you - all the stars in the sky, because you're happy happy happy.

"Voila!" he says beside you, and you turn your head to see he's bought you a short denim jacket with no sleeves and dozens of bright badges sewn onto it.
You gasp slowly and take it from him, immediately putting it on and twisting around to marvel at it. It totally matches your sunny yellow dress, which swishes about you when you move.
"It's so beautiful," you whisper, and he replies admiringly, "Because it suits you."

You look up to him, and his eyes are sparkling blue and looking straight into yours. He looks so serious, not like his bubbly charming self at all, and he slips an arm round your waist and draws you into him.
He licks his lips and gulps, still looking seriously into your eyes.

"Y/N, it's been such an amazing two weeks with you. You're a beautiful person with a beautiful soul, and it's taken me a while to realise, and even longer to bottle up the courage to say, but... I want to say that... that I..."

You look into his eyes, breath bated. "What?" you whisper to him, barely able to hear yourself.

He gulps again, and opens his smooth thin lips. "I... okay, I-"

"-Blue since the day you parted,
Why why,
Did I ever let you go-"

The both of you break eye contact and look up, because you've both heard that voice before.
Almost all memory apart from a tiny squiggle in your brain forgets the moment you two were having, and you run to the ajar door of Bill's favourite bar. As you look round the door, you remember that this bar was also the one where you last saw... Donna!

She's there, on the table, dancing next to Tanya and Rosie - when did they get here? No, forget that - where has Donna been? For the past two weeks you've completely forgotten about your twin sister, off having fun and unwittingly falling in love with a blonde Swede who gives you small smiles and lets you be the little spoon in bed.

It's the first time you've ever not thought of or worried about your sister. It actually feels... good. Like you're a new person who doesn't have any responsibilities. Looking after Donna is like looking after a wild child. One that has sex and gets into trouble with teachers.

"-Mamma Mia,
Now I really know,
My My-"

"Y/N, is that-" asks Bill behind you, then he walks in front of you through the crowd as a commotion happens on the bar table. Directly leading from it, both of you look up to see Rosie accidentally pushing Donna off-

"I should never let you go!"

"Woah!" your twin screeches in a very un-her fashion as she falls, and without thinking Bill moves to catch her in his arms.

All three of you stare at each other, and you finally break the stunned silence by saying in shock, "Hi there."
"Bill?!" she exclaims, a little unfair to say in front of your own twin sister but you let it slide, and everyone in the bar starts to clap. You and Bill look around you, then to each other, and smile weakly at everyone.

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