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Bill's POV

It's the first thing I hear when I wake, and I sit up immediately despite my sore hungover head because I know it didn't come out of my mouth.

The tired moan sounds off again and I snap my head to the other side of the bed in my boat - so, at least I'm in my own place.

The person is totally covered in bedsheets, stirring slowly. Before they emerge, I try to dig my memories up from last night: drunk, party, someplace Spanish, or at least they spoke Spanish I think, a woman...

The lump on the bed turns into a smoking hot woman, and thoughts unfurl in my mind like a flower in fast-forward.


Last night, I was in a club, partying like the old days before I started having emotions for a woman whose heart I broke. In an alcohol-induced daze I stumbled across a sexy dark-skinned woman wearing a black halter jumpsuit with a twinkle in her eye and a cheeky smile on her oval face, and just like that we were making out on the dance floor.

Damn. Is that what it was like back then, before I cared about any woman? Seems like ages ago - well, to my knowledge, it was about ten years ago, but still.

She blinks her deep brown eyes slowly at me, me silently comparing them to Y/N's brilliantly dazzling ones, and says raspily, "Hi."
"Hi," I reply casually, acting like my heart isn't beating twenty miles per hour because I'm wondering if Y/N somehow knows I've been sleeping around. "Do you wanna get some breakfast?"

What am I saying? Get some breakfast? Why did I offer this stranger food after I slept with her?
To my surprise she says yes, so we just go out into the brightly sunny town that makes the ache in my head multiply. Somehow, femme-fatale-lookalike Kisha is immune to the usual hangover symptoms and simply struts over to the nearest bar and orders more alcohol. I blink. Wow - this is some woman.

We spend the rest of the day together for some reason, walking around the shops but rarely going in any, walking side by side in mainly silence, both too polite and awkward to announce to the other they're leaving now. It goes on and on until we sit down in an evening cafe.

This is really weird. And I'm not just saying that because I'm still thinking about Y/N. Although, despite thinking about her every day, her face in my mind is becoming a little blurry. Only slightly, but it is concerning. What if I'm forgetting her? Is that good or not?

As I'm still worrying over this qualm, Kisha places her hand over mine, making me start a little. Her face borders on cool nonchalance as she blows smoke out of her thin lips - wait, when did she get a cigarette? - and asks disinterested, "So, you wanna go out again sometime? How long you here for?"

I start again, but only in my head. What? Why on Earth would she want to go on a date with me? We've barely spoken the whole day!

I stare at her, thinking fast. After ten years, Y/N and her beautiful everything-about-her still clusters my mind and occupies most of my thoughts, despite her face growing a little fuzzy over the past few years. Should I at least attempt to get over her by getting under others? Is that what I would've done if it weren't exquisite Y/N whose heart I broke?

Do I say yes, so I can try to freshen up the wilting flower of my soul?

"I'm here for however long you want me to, babes."
The sentence rides out of my mouth smooth as silk, and it surprises me that after all these years I'm still able to be a womanizing whore. Kisha's pretty lips curve into a smile, and after careful consideration I realise that she is beautiful, but not the beautiful I want.

I know the exact beautiful person I want.

But I lost her, and now I'm going to try and accept it, finally.

Kisha stands and so do I. I walk round the table, slip an arm round her waist, draw her in, and give her a great big moviestar kiss in front of everyone.

The people around us applaud and whoop and comment on us, but unlike last time this happened I don't feel the same magnetism, the same feeling that there's nobody else in the room but the woman I'm kissing.

Will I ever again?

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