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Bill's POV

"I actually have an elderly relative on the island, helped me to buy this boat," I tell the sisters as I help Y/N hop to the living space underneath the deck and hold a suitcase in my other hand. The other girl, Donna with the less frizzy hair and the smoother eyebrows and more flowy clothes, drags the other suitcases and bags down the steps with a thump. They both look around the space, Y/N looking more awed whilst Donna more smiley.

I help ease Y/N onto the edge of one of the beds and check she's not in a lot of pain before I clap my hands together and look between the two of them.
"Now, I do have two beds, but unfortunately, as you can see," I gesture to the bed Y/N is perched on, laden with tons of sailing gear, "one is full."
Donna smiles widely, looking a little wild in doing so, and says, "Huh, how convenient," as she turns round and walks up the steps. Y/N sighs in frustration, and I turn to her.

"Yes?" I smile at her in a hospitable way.
She raises her eyebrow. "Dude, that did not work. At least try not to churn out the usual lines."
Deciding to leave Donna to roam about upstairs for a bit, I cross my arms. "What do you mean?" I say jokingly, a small smile on my face. Oh, she is so British.
"You're not gonna get her into bed by using the same lines you do on every pretty lady that turns your head."
I raise both my eyebrows, considering her sentence. "And... who says I want to get her into bed?"
She gives me a you're kidding right look and I shrug, turning my smile into a smirk.

Okay, I admit, Donna is attractive. But so is Y/N. In different ways however, although they look almost entirely alike. Donna is more laid-back, more of a free spirit, uncaring in a happy way - Y/N has that too, I just can't see it set free right now, so to speak. And these jibes, this snark - who doesn't love being jokingly insulted for their wiles?

I decide to go upstairs to see how Donna is doing, if she's wrecking my boat or anything. I offer a hand to Y/N, and after consideration she takes it and I help her up the steps.
I help her sit up on the roof of the living area, narrowly missing her head on the sail, and say to Donna to resume our flirty conversation because that's where I feel most at home, "You know, you have the sort of smile that can make everything else seem regular. I can only hope this trip is short enough that my little heart won't break."

Beside me Y/N scoffs, and Donna just laughs and hangs onto the sail ropes. "Ah, so you're one of them!"
I pause and lean forward, my hands on my trousers, wanting to know more. "One of whom?"
Y/N pipes up beside me, raking a hand through her big mass of hair so it gets out of her face, and I feel the urge to touch it because it's so fluffy and must feel so textured and soft, "There are two kinds of seducer. First, doesn't actually like women so wants to exert his power over them. But the second," she raises two fingers as if she's said this speech all her life, and her sister is laughing along with her whilst I'm looking on at her amused, "the far more dangerous, is the guy who genuinely falls in love this evening, but then falls out of it the next morning. But as you run away, you tell her,"

"You're the one in pain and she's just too much for you to handle," the two girls say together, laughing like they're at a slumber party, and I get it - they're laughing at me. They think I'm the second. Well, I am, no doubt about it, but just to show them, I'm gonna get one of them to fall for it, right here, right now, and unfortunately for Y/N, Donna is the only one with two working legs.

I smirk at Donna. "You mean, like this?" I place my hands on her shoulders and whirl her round so she's sitting next to her sister, and jump up onto the roof deck.
"Oh God, not again," Y/N moans, but I'm already having too much fun to care.

"When you were lonely, you needed a man,
Someone to lean on, well I understand,
It's only natural, but why did it have to be me?"

I dance around Donna and she kicks her legs up in delight, saying I'm exactly like that, and I catch Y/N sighing to herself and wonder if she's sad about not cashing in on the song, so I get on my knees to her level and sing the next verse to her whilst she crosses her arms and smirks.

"Nights can be empty, and nights can be cold,
So you were looking for someone to hold,
That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?"

I lean in over her propped up leg to try for a kiss, even an ironic one because she looks hilariously adorable when her nose is scrunched up and she's saying a snarky comment over my singing, but I'm suddenly whirled around and there Donna is on the roof opposite me with my sailors cap on her head, ready to dance with me. I grin - well, I can't just pass up an opportunity, can I?

"I was so lonesome, I was blue
I couldn't help it, it had to be you tonight,
Always thought you knew the reason why,"

I grin at her shaking her butt a little toward me, and so I help her down off the roof and we dance with our toes pointed toward each other.

"I only wanted a little love affair,
But now I can see you are beginning to care,"

She turns so her back faces me and I'm facing Y/N, who just has an eyebrow raised and a sullen expression, so I carry on.

"But baby,
Believe me,
It's better,
To forget me!"

Donna laughs in delight and pushes me away to rush down the steps, and caught up in the song I follow her, forgetting all about Y/N who begins to shout down to us. Donna starts to throw off everything on the second bed, and I jokingly chuck it all back behind her. When she sees it, she pushes me in the chest and I smile charmingly.

"Falling in love with a woman like you,
Happens so quickly, there's nothing to do,
It's only natural, but why did it have to be me?"

"Stop it!" she insists smiling, "We've only just met!"
"And you're not that type of girl?" I hear at the top of the steps, and I shut up when I see Y/N has managed to hop or something around to see us messing about.
Her sister opens her mouth as if to say something, then closes it slowly.

A mini standoff happens between the two girls, Y/N boring daggers into Donna's skin, until the three of us hear a yell.
"What's that?" Donna asks, and I shrug and try to sing again when Y/N throws a fringed cushion at me and hops up the steps. Donna follows her, finally helping her twin walk, and I stare at the wall in sexual frustration then decide to follow them.

An entire song, for nothing? Come on, not even a kiss?

Although, I mull over as I get up to the top and see the girls talking to a man whose boat engine has run out so needs our help to get to his love before she gets wed to someone she doesn't love, I think that might be a good call.

As I get pushed into taking this man to the mainland, I watch the two sit on the deck of the boat and lean on each other for support. They are too interconnected, even though they are most certainly different people. Now I'm thinking about it, I could never come between this bond, not least for anything so cheap as casual sex.

Nothing can come between the bond these two sisters share, I am sure of it. No matter what happens in these girls' lives, I feel their souls will always find a way back to each other.

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