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Your POV

"Miss Y/N? Where shall I put the wedding food away from the guest's food?"
Your head is being turned this way and that as one of the waitresses asks you this question. You barely have enough time to tell her to put all the food for Sophie's wedding in one place in the kitchen, before some other person enquires:

"Where is Miss Sophie - we need measurements for her veil."
"Wait - she didn't turn up for her veil measurements? Oh, ye gods!" you stress, then ask a member of staff where your niece is.
"Last I saw of her, she's down the jetty waiting for her friends to arrive in their little boat."
"But that was minutes ago - they're probably in the family house by now. Go check, will you please?" you ask them, and they nod then begin to walk to the little rundown cottage you've been sharing with your sister and niece for the past few months.

What a week. It's the day before Sophie's wedding, and due to Donna spending most of it panicking about her daughter and fixing the carpentry in the wedding spaces, and Sophie being occupied with bridely duties or whatever people do just before they get married, you are the sole Sheridan doing all the work.

How time doesn't change.

You were the leader for the wedding plans, and now you're the glue holding the wedding together. As the date has been getting nearer, Sophie has been panicking over something she refuses to tell you, and Donna has been panicking about how everything will change once her daughter is married and how she doesn't know what's going on in that child's head sometimes. You've been doing too much work to even begin to think about panicking.

The same staff member from before trots up to you. "Miss Sophie is with her two friends in the family house; they just got there; Miss Donna has just passed them going into her room."

You ask them to get Sophie and her best friends Lisa and Ali up to the nearby dressmakers to do last minute alterations to the wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses. Sophie made them, but the professionals are perfecting them - she wants everything to be perfect for when Sky and her go down the aisle together. You guess you can understand: everything needs to be perfect for the day you're proclaiming to be with your one true love forever.

You shake your head as you see Donna in her old faithful dungarees run up to you. She wipes her hands on her thighs and looks at you with the same despairing expression she had on when you two were kids and she had just come from a terrible date.

"Y/N... she's getting married tomorrow."
"I know, why do you think I'm doing everything for you? The only reason I'm letting you off the hook is because I know you're going through every emotion in the book," you grumble, then load her arms with all the sheets and towels you have yet to put up on the washing lines. "I have to round up Sky and his Best Men to make sure all of their outfits for tomorrow are perfect. Go and put these on the line, then get the Jeep and drive to the beach - about five minutes ago I was told that the boat from the mainland set off."

She gasps, grinning widely. "Rosie and Tanya are nearly here! Oh my God, I haven't seen them in forever!"
"It was literally two months ago, stupid," you chide, stressed with the overload of work, and hurry your twin along to the hotel's utility room and the family house where the outside corridor between are the washing lines.

She sets off excitedly, piqued at the thought of your best friends arriving soon, and you once again get bombarded with requests and questions.

God, can you just get one moment of peace?


About an hour after the mainland boat arrives, you're still wishing you could just sit down.

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