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Your POV

"Ladies - and no gentlemen! Presenting, for one night, and one night only - cuz that's all we've got breath for! - the world's first girl power band - Donna and the Dynamos!"

Everyone screams in drunk joy as your twin and your friends strut out of the doors onto the stage you helped construct, looking utterly fabulous.
With all the reminiscing of the past you indulged in with Bob earlier, you remember the times when you've wanted to join the bar gigs and school performances but weren't allowed, and sigh in sadness.

All this work, all this self growth, over twenty years, and still you and your sister have the same positions.

But then, Donna in the middle of the stage offers a hand down to you. Everyone screams, and you just gaze up at your twin.
"Come on," Donna whispers with her familiar crazed grin, "be a part of us, finally."

You don't need to be told twice!

You take her hand and she hauls you onto the stage, and you take your place beside her and the four of you all smile.
Your dream, coming true before your eyes. Being one with your sister at the thing you both love the most.

"Ready?" Rosie whispers to you, covering her mic with her hand, and you nod excitedly. As ready as you'll ever be!

The music player starts, and you all get into position. Seeing the rehearsals enough times, you immediately go into a pose resembling the mirror image of Donna, and you all begin to sing together in perfect sisterly harmony:

"I was sick and tired of everything,
When I called you last night from Glasgow,
All I do is eat and sleep and sing,
Wishing every show was the last show,"

"Wishing every show was the last show!" Rosie and Tanya sing backup melodically, and you laugh into the next lyrics:

"So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming,
Suddenly I feel all right,
And it's gonna feel so different when I'm on the stage tonight!"

And you all begin to dance the rehearsed choreo you helped make up all those years ago - and you're finally doing them as well!

Tonight the super trouper
Lights are gonna blind me,
Shining like the sun,
Smiling, having fun,
Feeling like a number one,

Tonight the super trouper
Beams are gonna blind me,
But I won't feel blue,
Like I always do,
Cuz somewhere in the crowd there's you!"

Donna breaks the dance for a split second and looks to the right, and with twintuition you follow her gaze to see Sam and Harry with their friend Bob Anders on the outskirts of the party, dancing along - and you can feel the tension rising in your sister.

"So I'll be there,
When you arrive,
The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive,
And when you take me in your arms,
And hold me tight,
I know it's gonna mean so much tonight!

Tonight the super trouper
Lights are gonna find me,
Smiling like the sun,"

You all turn for the dance and you both point out the men to Rosie and Tanya, and the four of you look at them together and keep stealing glances at them as you dance - honestly, you couldn't be more obvious!

"Smiling having fun,
Feeling like a number one!

Tonight the super trouper
Beams are gonna blind me,
But I won't feel blue,
Like I always do,
Cuz somewhere in the crowd..."

You all look at random places in the crowd, and your eyes land on Bob's, who's watching you with a small smile on his face like he's basking in your glory. It's odd: you've only just met him today, but you feel like this man just... gets you.

"There's you..." you sing to him, and his smile grows as his eyes never leave yours.

It feels like a moment.

One of those moments that only happen a couple in a lifetime, one that lingers in your mind for days afterwards and pops into your head at the most innoportune times. This man needs to be remembered. Why, you just don't know.

Your moment is interrupted by the crowd of drunk girls screaming for joy, and promptly you return to the Dynamos.

You're suddenly cast in glittery blue sparkles and glory, and Donna hugging you tight and whispering praise in your ear.
"If you'd have told me you were that good at singing, I would've let you into our group fucking years ago!"
"You never let me get a word in edgeways, you dumbass!" you laugh at her, and she punches your arm lightly as Rosie addresses the men:

"Um, 'scuse me, hello! This is a hen party - women only! Thank you!"

The men agree and leave, walking rather quickly down the stone steps, but from the corner of your eye you see Donna pulling Rosie and Tanya away backstage to the family home, and Sophie drunk onstage looking at the men leave, shocked.

"Sophie?" you ask, patting her shoulder, but she jerks away without looking at you, so you follow her while she runs through the crowd.
"Sophie, what is it?" you shout after her, but she just yells at you to leave her alone.

She runs down the same steps the men left on, but as you get down there you realize - like she does - that all three are gone. You feel a bit downhearted at not seeing Bob again, til you see your niece almost breaking down.

"Woah, woah, hey, Sophie, come on," you mutter soothingly as you perch her down on the wall and guide her through some deep breaths.
You put your hands lightly on her shoulders. "Sophie, look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't invite Sam and Harry."

She looks at you and begins to cry.
"Oh, no, Sophie," you scold gently, but pull her into your arms for her to have a little cry. "Why did you do it?"
"I thought one of them might be my father."

You turn your head to her face. "Why do you even want to know? What's your potential father ever done for you? Sophie, you're getting married to Sky, you have your mother and your aunt here with you; why on earth would you want to know who your dad is?"

"I don't know, I - I wanted to know who I was before I got married."
"You know who you are: fiesty, bubbly, assertive, funny little Sophie Sheridan; you don't need to know anything other than that."

Your niece sniffles like she used to do when she was a kid. "I guess," she shrugs. "I just... I've always wanted to know who my father is, and neither of you ever told me, so I just took it upon myself to invite the three of them."

"The three of who, sweetie?"
"The three of my fathers," she looks up at you, and before you can ask her what she means, she gets swept away by one of the girls, leaving you confused.

All three of them? But... where's the third?

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