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Your POV

You're sipping rose-flavoured tea, a new flavour you're trying out, sitting on the balcony on your favourite plump cushion overlooking rows of houses, and eventually glimpsing the sea. If you close your eyes and pretend, you can smell the salty breeze.

"Hey, Y/N!" Donna. Just to annoy her, you keep your eyes closed and pretend you didn't hear her.

"Y/N!" You feel a cushion thrown into your face and your eyes snap open to see your twin aiming another one. You hold the mug of tea up in surrender.
"Okay, okay, what? What do you want?"

"What do you wanna do after we graduate?" she asks as she sits cross legged next to you on the stone wall, no cushion beneath her. That's Donna, never caring for comfort, or to put it another way having a different level of comfort than most others - she could live without clean clothes for days and just call it a minor inconvenience. Whereas you're the one that actually brings the clean clothes for her.

You shrug, putting the mug down on the other side of you then returning to her. "Haven't thought about it that much really. I mean, what's there to think about? You went to Oxford, so you're gonna be off at some high flying, high paying job that everyone will love you for; I went to some average university in the suburbs and studied something that will just get me a comfortable well-paid job going round in nature or something like that."

"NOOOO!" Donna yells melodramatically and flops over onto your lap, wrapping her arms round your waist as you laugh at her fondly. "You can't go onto one job and expect to do nothing else! You're a Sheridan - act like one!"
You try to wriggle out of her hold and look into her blue eyes, better than yours with more naturally fine brows above them. "Donna, someone has to be the thinker in the family, the fallback - and if it's not gonna be you, and we know it's definitely not gonna be Mum, then it has to be me no matter how much I don't like it."
"NOOO!" she wails again, and you shriek-laugh as she pinches your arms. "Wake up Y/N! What's the point of being the fallback if Mum's never here and I'm halfway across the world?!"

You pull her hands off you, serious now. Did you just hear what you think she just said?
"Halfway across the world? What are you talking about?"

She grins, and puts her hands on your arms again. They squeeze you as you see her smile grow wilder - yes, even more wild than her normal crazy smile.
"That's what I came out here to talk to you about! Let's go on an adventure across the entire world!"

You stare at her, mouth slowly forming a confused 'O.' She grips tighter onto you, the idea developing in her brain.

"Right, so your graduation day happens, then mine does, yeah?" She waits for a reply, so you nod with perplexity. "So, afterwards, cuz we don't have any jobs set up for afterwards but we still have our degrees for whenever we want them, we can go for a year or two - or more! - anywhere in the world. Like a gap year, but for however long we want! Come on, what's stopping us? It would be so fun, just me and you sailing the ocean and visiting all the coolest places in the world! What do you think!" she finishes, her cheeks flushed pink with excitement and her blonde curls standing out from her face as if the idea physically zapped her with electricity.

You think about what she's saying.
On one hand, your home is in London, and if you both leave who knows what will happen to the house, and Mum won't know where you are, and you've never actually gone abroad before...

But, on the other hand...

Fuck it!


Donna squeals so loudly the dog next door barks hysterically as she pulls you up, and you both jump around dancing with each other.
"Ooh! I have to tell Tanya and Rosie! They'll be so excited for us!" Donna stops and rushes through the French windows as quickly as she came in in the first place, leaving you to calm yourself down and stare out into the dark, thinking through everything you've just accepted to.

All these houses, all these shops, all this tea and work and routine. You're just now realising that you would give it all up for the chance to feel the wind of an alien place brush against your cheeks and tangle your fair hair more than it is already tangled, to feel free and able to do whatever you want whenever you want instead of whatever you're needed for.

You would give it all up in a heartbeat - and that's what you're about to do.

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