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"I can't conceal it,
Don't you see?
Can't you feel it?"

Silence ensues in the church after Sam sings the first verse to Donna - and then all the women apart from you sing along:

"Say I do!
I do I do I do I do I do!"

This is giving you serious Waterloo vibes.

"Donna, please show it," he continues, a hopeful smile on his face,
"You love me,
And you know it."

"Say I do!" all the girls chorus, and you and your sister look at each other. You catch her expression, and like the chime of a bell you know what she's going to say. And you smile for her.

Donna looks at Sam and confidently blurts out, "I DO!"

The entire congregation erupts into peals of delighted screams and gasps. Donna and Sam run into each other's arms and, to them, the rest of the world falls away; Sam grins like he's waited for this moment his whole life, and Donna looks as happy as she was when she held her baby in her arms twenty years ago.

The priest comes up to them just as Sam slips the ring on her finger, and says to another eruption of cheers,
"I now pronounce you man and wife!"

The newly married couple hug and kiss, and everyone shrieks in joy. Sophie clutches onto your hand and screams in your face, and you laugh at her.
"Mum's married!" she rejoices, and runs off to hug Sky.

Donna and Sam begin to walk out of the church and down the hill, people following them, and gradually the chatter becomes silence once again as you're left on your own.
You want to follow them and join in on the celebrations, but your feet remain rooted to the cold cobblestone.

You close your eyes. You want to relish in the golden silence that you haven't heard since you arrived at the island. Beautiful, rare, wonderful silence.

When you open your eyes, Bill is standing at the threshold of the church.

You roll your eyes. "Can't come in or your skin will start burning, eh?"
"Yeah, you know me," he replies to you with a humble smile as he makes his way down the aisle to you, "my nose starts bleeding every time someone says the name of the entity upstairs."

He stops in front of you with his hands in the pockets of his beige suit, feigning casual but eyes suggesting serious. You know he wants to talk.

You cross your arms. "Out with it. What do you wanna say?"

He breathes out a long sigh, seeming almost worried about his pending question. "Do you think... that if I hadn't had fucked up so horrendously... that we'd be in the same place Donna and Sam just got into now?"

You look up into his blue eyes and run your tongue over your teeth, genuinely thinking about it, despite your other pressing matters to turn to.
"Yanno, Bill," you eventually reply, "even if we didn't ever break up, and you weren't ever unfaithful, I still don't think we would be married."

"...why? I thought all women wanted to be married," he says, confused, and you roll your eyes.
"No, you presumptuous man; I happen to think marriage is largely for show, and I like being alone anyhow."
He shrugs with an approving expression. "Fair enough. I mean, in this economy, can any of us really afford a perfect wedding?"
"Can we even afford a pauper's one?" you joke with a cheesy grin, and Bill looks down, shakes his head in quiet laughter, then brings his gaze to you again. This time he's not laughing - he's watching you like it's the first time he's ever seen you all over again.

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