7 - When I'm Close To Her

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The time passed by swiftly, and you found yourself gazing at the massive red doors of the building. Your heart raced and your stomach turned but the closer you got to the entrance, the less real it felt.

With your hands gripping your backpack tighter, you resisted the temptation of chewing your thumb again but just ended up knawing at your inner cheek.

Using an unnecessary amount of effort to move your legs, you began walking towards the massive school.

Your mind was so amazed at the glorious halls and designs at the school that before you realised, you were standing before your class door, 1A.

You felt calm now, almost as if you knew you would wake up before you opened the gaping red door. It must have been a dream. You convinced yourself so.

But as you entered the class you found no snap of reality. No instant waking up to the blinding sun this time. You stood in that classroom, not waking up.

Please don't let Katsuki be here...

Your eyes darted around the room, finding no one in sight. Was I the first one here? Is it too early?

Feeling relieved to be alone, you walked over to the first desk your eyes fell upon.

You felt your body melt comfortably in the chair, lowering your head and closing your eyes, trying your very best to calm down and convince yourself that everything would be fine.

You lifted your head, feeling slightly heavy, and gazed out into the window of the glimmering sun. The birds whistled and a cool breeze flew through the small opening in the window. For the first time in a while, you felt peaceful, until someone aggressively squeezed your shoulder.

You tensed, eyes remained unblinking and you keep them forward. You knew who it was, you knew that sparking feeling was, that feeling of little explosions licking your clothes and skin.

A warm breath grew closer to your neck, causing you to straighten even more and form goosebumps all along your arms and legs.

His breathing was close enough to smell, mint cherry.

"You're in my seat, Twig, " he growled menacingly.


"Looks like I get to kill you this year."

"I'm sorry I-"

He shoved you out of the seat, but you stumbled to your feet before falling.

His face started to redden with rage. "I'll kill you!" he hollered.

You squeaked as you stumbled onto the top of the desks, trying to outrun Bakugo's wrath.

Before he could get his firey hands onto you, you both were stopped by a loud voice.

You turned to see the same loud man you sat next to at the entrance exam.
His dark comb-over hair, his strong eyes and sharp eyebrows. He was muscular, in the chest, arms and calves.

"New classmates, stop fighting at once, you are damaging school property and not demonstrating the act of partnership and friendship. We are all a class and should work together as a team!"

He spoke sharply, fast and professionally. His posture was straight and his stance was that of a leader. You felt gratitude that he stopped the fight.

Bakugo growled, turned around and sat at my previous desk but not without kicking my bag which shot to the end of the classroom.

Bakugo's perspective

I felt right. This year, I would be the best! Everyone will know, all the hero's and these pathetic students would know that I, Katsuki Bakugo, will be the ultimate hero! Nothing will stop me no-

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