22- Recovery

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His body tensed as the words finally sunk in, reality around him felt as if it wasn't real, and everything he believed felt like another lie.

" Young (L/N)'s quirk is extremely dangerous and she can barely control it. It poses a threat to the people around her and even herself. She is forbidden to ever use it. She is usually under strict precautions and regulations. But even with those set, it is still incredibly difficult to control. Your classmates cannot know of Young (L/N)'s quirk as it is a necessary precaution. Do you understand, Young Bakugo? "

The young man couldn't bring himself to move, he knew what All Might was saying. But out of everything he just couldn't get the idea of her lying all these years, Midoriya too. His mind was blank. Was it shock? Confusion? Anger? A concussion from the explosions just now? He couldn't tell.




He looked up to Aizawa, his hand outreached.

"Can you still attend class or do you need to go to the recovery ward? You're wasting time."

Bakugo blinked, "No sir. I'll go to class."

"Good, then head on to the monitor room." Aizawa sighed, now turning around and walking away.

All Might placed a hand on Bakugo's good shoulder, obviously leading him to the monitor room while also providing support for the shakey boy. Bakugo refused to budge, "All Might?"

All Might hummed, his face looked at Bakugo's hair as his head was bowed down.

" What will happen to her?"

All Might didn't reply, "I don't know, young Bakugo. But we have to remain hopeful and walk on, regardless of our tragedies. Now come, after you view the results we should go patch up that shoulder of yours. "

All Might lead him away again, and this time, Bakugo allowed him.

(Y/N) Perspective

I don't remember anything...

Why does it hurt?



The steady beats of the monitor pushed away from the darkness and brought you back to the world. Your whole body ached, especially your head which throbbed painfully every time your heartbeat.

Your eyes burned at the bright room. Nausea and dizziness made your stomach churn. A cold sweat broke out your body as you tried to make of your surroundings.

A few beds, curtains, a ticking clock, some movable side tables, and IV drips: This was the recovery ward.

The bed felt soft and comfy, the blanket battled against your cold sweats. You glanced around to find no one there. Where was recovery girl?

You winced as your head began throbbing more. You could already feel the warm sticky substance form in your eyes and slide down your cheeks. Instead of the usual clear and shiny tears, it was deep droplets of crimson.

You wiped your eyes, the blood smeared across your face and hands. You began recalling the past events, with every second that passed the tighter your stomach twisted.

Where is Katsuki?
Is he okay?
What about his shoulder?
Does he know?
Did anyone else get hurt?
Do they know?
What about the teachers?
What will Katsuki think?!

It was becoming harder to breathe, and although the room was still spinning, it felt as if time had stopped. The ticking of the wall clock slowed down and as each unbearable tick of the hand echoed through the room, it rang in your ears, louder every time. The cold sweats now covered your entire body, while the room began to swirl. Your chest heaved in shallow, rapid movements almost desperate to grasp air that didn't come to you. You couldn't tell if you were going to throw up, fall unconscious or just die.

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