34 - The Rage

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(Y/N)'s perspective

I don't feel any pain. Of course, many would think that's a good thing. A life without any pain, no hardships, no fuss. That dull yet prominent ache in the heart is no longer there, it should be a good thing.

I bet many people would sell their souls just to not feel anything anymore, how much better life would have been to never feel any negative emotions ever again.

But when you cross the line of no emotion, you are left empty. Hollow. Void.

I feel...


It doesn't hurt, but what is it worth living when I couldn't care less and my feelings are non-existent?

A week.

It had only been a week back at school. A Monday. A typical Monday, the normal routine. Just. A. Monday.

But every day has become so arduous, so hard to get up in the mornings. And this particular Monday morning was no different, like a leech to bare flesh, you felt completely stuck to your bed. And it was only the vibration from your phone to pull you out of bed.

It was Midoriya.

Sure Midoriya and you grew very close lately, but he never called you. Especially at 6 in the morning.

You picked up the phone, your thumb absently swiped to answer and you could feel the effort in your voice just to sound cheery.

"Good morning Izuku! What's up?"

"Ah, (y/n)-chan... Good morning."

"Are you okay Izuku? You sound kind of sad..."

"I'm alright, I just felt like calling... to see how you are."

You forced a chuckle, which took a scary amount of effort to do, "Couldn't you wait until school to ask?"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay Izuku..."

"I just felt bored, I'll see you later."

"Wait Izuku, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's nice hearing your voice."

You heard fidgeting static on the other end of Izuku's line before he answered, "You too (Y/N)-chan... I'm glad we're friends."

"Me too, Izuku."

He hung up and you promptly put your phone down, a faint determination rose. Enough to pull you out of bed and get changed.

"I better hurry, I got up too late..."

After promptly getting dressed you began rustling around for your school tie, unable to find it in any obvious hiding places it had fallen into, after checking and failing you resorted to more unsuspecting places; the drawers, behind your door, under your bedding.

Eventually, you ducked to check under your bed, to find your tie lamely resting inches away. But something else caught your attention before the tie did. A thin, sleek paper with a green wax stamp.

Your father's letter.

Take it. You deserve to know what it's about. You've waited long enough. Open it. Open it.

Your hand twitches out for the letter, almost as if in a trance, you had to do what the voice told you to do. You had to.

A knock disturbed you enough to jump and hit your head under the bed hard enough for it to be lifted and inch into the air. You yelped and scrambled away, your mother stood in the doorway, she looked tired and slightly thinner than normal. "(Y/N)? What were you doing under there?"

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