12- Face-To-Face

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"(Y/N)?! Are you okay?" a familiar, silvery yet taut voice asked.

You looked out to see Uraraka.

"O-Oh! Yes! Yes! I just have a severe dust allergy and when Midoriya threw the ball I just got a face full of dust! You forced out a laugh, now rubbing away the tears.

" Oh no! Do you want me to take you to recovery girl? "

" Hm! No no, I'll be fine! " I chortle.

She was still worried and for that, she stayed by my side, I gave her a grateful smile but in reality, I just wanted to be alone and think.

Everyone cheered and enthused about Midoriya's quirk. You felt happy but the next thought crossed your mind.


You turn over to the male next to you, his face intense in utter disbelief and obvious rage. He twitched and shook with his mind buzzing and fuming. His mouth was left agape while his eyes threaten to pop from their sockets. His hand curved, blasting explosions already desperate to blast Midoriya's face.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Bakugo -" You pushed out but he took off sprinting before you could finish.

"BAKUGO DON'T!" You cried desperately feeling your legs already pushing into a run.

"Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!"

"KATSUKI!" A deafening scream crawling out your throat. It vibrated deafeningly in the air, ringing in everyone's ears.

Your legs moved on their own and in a second, you outranked Bakugo and overtook his running.

This time, a few paces ahead to stop in front of Bakugo.

I know he can't stop in time but I guess I didn't think that far about what happens to me... idiot...

The rumble of the dirt from sliding to a stop took note in your head. As expected the impact hit you, but not as hard as you expected. You both toppled to the floor, you felt relieved that you stopped him.

Opening my eyes slowly was when I  registered the breathing on my nose, I scrunched it. Not because of the smell, it still smelt of mint cherry but because of how close it was from mine. My eyes opened more. Now adjusting to what lay in front of me.

Bakugos face lay inches from my own, his face looked shocked and surprising not angry, but embarrassed and confused.

He used his arms to support his weight but not in time for his legs, leaving pressure on my lower half and an awkward position for both of our legs. Sweat glistened from his head, small droplets fell around my head and onto the ground. He was close enough to smell his cologne which I secretly loved.

He shook violently, his face cherry red. All traces of anger are gone.

I breathed heavily and so did he. For what seemed like a while we just stared. And I didn't hate it.

"Katsuki..." I began.

I raised a hand to his arm, holding it gently causing him to jump slightly.

I held his arm softly, it was firm from the strain.

"Please... Don't."

Bakugos Perspective

Fuck shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!

What just happened? I was running and now I'm here. On- on top of her!

Did I do this? No, I was running. At Deku! And she-she-

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