43 - Back To School

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"(Y/N) are you sure you don't want anything to eat?"

Your mother sighed, although her hands appeared worn and rough, they were soft and tender. They held the small bento box, prepared for you.

"You know I love you but since you're continuing the hero course, it's so dangerous to be that thin! I just don't want you to faint or get injured."

You stared at your arms, realizing how thin they were, and a pit formed in your chest.

"Alright, mom... I'll take it."

She started blankly, but a relieved and joyful smile lifted quickly.

"Oh good..."

Your hand held her shoulder, and brushed it gently, "I love you, mom... But you know we have a cafeteria."

She smiled again, "I know, but I want you to also have breakfast. I love you, and I just want to be a better-" she choked up on her words, and she averted her gaze as tears leaked down.

You brushed her tears, "It was years ago mom, I know you'll probably never forgive yourself, but I forgive you. I know how much regret you carry every day, and I wish I could help you... You're a wonderful mother. And I love you."

"Oh, (Y/N)..." she sniffled, wrapped her arms around you, "what did I do to deserve you?"

She left the hug and swatted you away, "now go! Go! Good luck! And remember that if it's too much then come home. There are always alternative schools." she smiled.

"bye, mom."


"Izuku! Over here!" You waved over, he stood by the school's grand entrance, and other students passed by fully immersed in conversations and thoughts.

"(Y/N)-chan! You're here!"

You jogged over, almost tripping on an unleveled brick above the ground.

You stood in front of him, a wide smile spread across his face. In a swift movement, he quickly hugged you.

"I'm glad you're back, we all were worried."

"Well I'll be honest, I'm kind of nervous to be back... the last time I was here...I-... I was horrible to Sensei Aizawa."

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N)-chan. I'm sure everyone will be understanding and overall happy to see you! Now come on, the register period might have already started."

"Okay..." You glanced around, you tried not to seem worried but anyone could've easily read you.

"You're fine!" Midoriya chuckled before taking off, you quickly catching up to his pace.

The school seemed like a distant memory, you wondered how much work you must have missed and how much weaker you must've been compared to everyone else. During the walk there Midoriya chatted about what happened while you were gone, what they were working on as a team, and certain events that transacted while you were away. It felt strange. Strong emotions of hurt swirled in your chest, you missed so much while gone and now you'd probably never fit in.

I'll be the laughingstock again. My classmates will never take me seriously now, they'll think I'm weird and crazy for almost attacking Mr. Aizawa... I'll never fit in now...

A more troubling thought entered your mind. What if they figured out about my quirk?! What if they get scared of me? Or never trust me? What if they petition me to get expelled?? I wouldn't blame them. I'm a ticking time bomb. I'd-

"What you're doing now... is only making you weaker. And the more you convince yourself that you are dangerous, the more you become."

Aizawa... said something like that to me... I'm thinking negatively. I can't do that. I can't do that anymore. I'm okay. I'm okay... just... just breathe, (Y/N)...

"Are you ready, (Y/N)-chan?"


In front of you was the signature red door of class 1A. You had been so caught up in your thought you didn't even listen to Midoriya speaking or where you walked to.

"The class..."

"You okay?"

"Yeah...yeah..." You sucked in a deep breath and nodded to Midoriya, with that he opened the door and you both walked in.

You were only halfway through the door when you were stopped by the class's stares.

Midoriya walked a bit farther than you but passed when he noticed your paralyzed state.

Your eyes glanced over the room. Their eyes were wide and unblinking, watching in awe as you stood before them.

One by one, starting with Mina, a few started mumbling under their breaths.

You felt stuck, frozen. Ice whips went down your back and arms yet your face felt hot. You felt gross. Like they could see the blood you had spilled in the past cling to your body, unwashed. They could see the hands and tentacles that touched your breasts and thighs and privates. They could see the peeled raw wounds that coated your body. They could see your mind, tangled and inky. You could hear their unknown words transform into unknown sentences. About you. They could see her. And she loved the attention.

"Silence." A voice cut through, and the mumbles stopped instantaneously.

Aizawa turned to you, his stern cold mask broke for an instant revealing softened eyes.

"I'm pleased you've decided to join us once again, (L/N)."

You felt someone hold your hands, and in front of you stood the majority of the class with Mina clasping your hands.

"(Y/N)-Chan! Where were you!? We were all so worried!" She cried out, a mixture of happiness, a whine, and outrage.

"S-sorry... I had some things that I was dealing with.:

"Well, we're glad your back, (Y/N)!" Kirishima announced with a sharp thumbs-up sign.

"We were scared you were hurt, Ribbit."

"Don't worry, (Y-N), I made sure to write down notes for you so you didn't miss work." Momo smiled.

"T-thank you Momo," you said with big eyes and a slight smile.

Relief washed over you, and refreshingly, happiness.

These guys... aren't like my old classmates. They are so nice... I'm... I'm so relieved!

"Alright everyone, I'm sure Miss (L/N) appreciates the kind words but let's settle down and begin registering." Aizawa groaned lazily.

You smiled brightly at everyone, then at Aizawa, and then finally at Midoriya.

Everyone settled down and as you watched them sit you finally made your way to your desk.

You only walked two feet before someone stepped in front of you, pushing you using his arm and making you fall into his chest, his arm against your head and resting on your shoulder, while the other rested in his pocket nonchalantly, he placed his chin on your head and the smell of his cologne instantly became recognizable.

The class gasped.

"I'm glad you showed up, Twig," Bakugo uttered.

You smiled.

"Me too."


(AN:  wheeze cough cough
Okay, finally managed to post a new chapter, sorry for the long delay, unfortunately, I may have more long delays coming. I started a new year in school and I will admit that it's rough. I'm going to try my best to update you as soon as possible! The story is at a bit of a slow area but trust me! It's gonna get crazy soon! Sending love! )

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