11- Hope

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Beginning of flashback

"(L/N)! (L/N)!"

It hurts...

My body...

It hurts...

"(L/N), Please wake up! You didn't... You didn't have to save me! Because of me... You're hurt!"

You could feel the warm splatter of tears fall onto your face as Midoriya cried. You assumed it wasn't intentional. The sun-dried the tears on your face along with providing a comforting warmth that reminded you of when your father hugged you when you scraped your knee or when he used to cuddle y⁰u after a nightmare.


The past events swirled past you as you tried to recollect.

I pushed Katsuki.

I don't regret it. He was hurting Midoriya just because he doesn't have a quirk. So what if he doesn't? Midoriya is my friend. And friends don't hurt friends. At least... You don't hurt real friends.

"Midoriya..." you pushed out.

The boy's sob stopped in his throat, lowering his hands so his eyes could meet yours. They were puffy and red while snot slowly seeped from his nose, his eyes shone miraculously.

Your body ached and throbbed from the repeated slashes and kicks Katsuki and his friends inflicted. You ignored your body's protest and sat up to meet Midoriya's eyes.

"Midoriya..." you repeated.

The boy started to hiccup, looking desperately worried at his friend.

"You're so cool... Midoriya, " you spoke gently, eyes soft while forming tears, a gentle smile formed.

The tiny toddler began to uncontrollably sob, his head bowed and all you could see were the massive blobs of tears falling to the ground.

"N-No (L/N), Y-You are so-hic- so cool!"

I smiled and started to rub his hair, "Everything is going to turn out okay!"

That was only a week before my father mysteriously died.

My mother had turned to alcohol and never speaking a word to me, in her drunken state she'd blame the death on me. Saying I was the reason he died and that I was a demon child. When she didn't neglect me she would yell and blame me, and it wasn't rare to get slapped or punched. My grandparents took me in after seven months of her abuse after my mother was seen as unfit to parent by the government.

After my father's death, I became shy, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and selective mutism and often used habits as a coping mechanism. I stopped talking to Katsuki and Midoriya after that. Katsuki would increasingly get more frustrated while Midoriya remained supportive and understanding. Midoriya tried his best to make me feel better, but after so many years, we grew to the point of mutual acquaintances with a good history. Selective mutism was replaced by stuttering but after a while, I was able to talk fine when calm. The anxiety, however... Only got worse.

It took my mother 11 years to finally sober up, get a job and house and win me back. It took a long time to warm up to her again and she seemed deeply disturbed by her past actions and did everything in her power to be a better parent. I was grateful and had forgiven her but I could see she hadn't forgiven herself.

My life hasn't been smooth sailing... But I'm grateful for everything I have. My mom, my grandfather, Midoriya. I'm happy... That's something to be cherished.

End of flashback.

Beginning of new flashback

Two years ago.

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