25 - I Miss You

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Midoriya left the recovery Wing, his injuries were slowly healed enough for him to return to his home. Of course, he offered to stay to keep you company, you declined his offer and instead received the promise that he would visit you daily.

You seemed healed enough to an extent where you could return to school, however, the nurses had some doubts about your health. Seeing as your quirk was unusual and unpredictable, they wanted to keep you there in case of any sudden issues that would have arisen. Just when you were to be discarded you suddenly came down with a blinding migraine and the Nurses changed their minds.

"I'm telling you it's common for me to get Migraines, Recovery Girl! These aren't unusual and never lead to the activation of my quirk!"

"Well if they aren't, then why are they triggered then?"

"They-I mean... Yes, they are because of my quirk but it never leads to activation."

"You say it doesn't lead to activating your quirk, then why is it that you get a migraine every time it slips?"

You sigh, getting frustrated by the interrogation but decided not to show your anger as Recovery Girl was only curious, it was understandable, your quirk was not well known or has it ever been studied," Those are different, I can tell which one is from my quirk slipping and when it's not."

"How so?"

"This migraine... It isn't as intense. Usually, when my quirk slips, it's a white - blinding almost - kind of headache."

She hummed while scribbling something down in the notebook she kept at hand, quietly mumbling as she did so.

Your head throbbed and you winced at the pain, this caught Recovery Girl's attention.

" Ah, right. Let's heal up you. "

After getting a moist kiss on the forehead, it felt as if someone pulled the drain plug in your head, and felt as if the water washed away. Leaving a fresh, albeit still slightly sensitive, mind.

You sigh, and fall back into your pillow," Thank you, Recovery Girl..."

You started to fiddle with the pillow tag, refusing to take your hundredth nap of the day. You were so tired of this place: the same white walls, the same white floors, the same furniture. It felt as if the best part of the day was when the group visited you. All you wanted was to get out and train again. That's all you wanted to do.

However, even that thought had some dread laced into it.


He hadn't visited you once, and when you brought up the subject of him, the room went silent and everyone just changed the subject as soon as they could. When they did answer, it would always be short or brushed off:

"Oh- um... Bakugo... He's fine!"

"Yeah, Bakugo is doing great!"

"Oh, Bakugo? You don't have to worry about him."

"Bakugo is... Bakugo!"

You didn't know what happened to Bakugo, all you could do was hope he was okay. You had a feeling that he was, and he was just mad at you.

Bakugo was furious with Midoriya when he found out he had a quirk. I don't know what he thinks about me now... It can't be good.

"Right, now I want you to rest while we run some more tests. We'll let you know in a few hours when the results are ready."

"Recovery Girl, how long will I be here?"

She paused, seemingly thinking about her words before she spoke, "I understand that you want to go out and be with your friends again, but we need to make sure that your quirk is stable. Students and teachers would be at serious risk if we were not careful. We're trying to release you as soon as possible. "

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