39 - Peach Milk

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Author note: This chapter was accidentally published before it was finished😱😱😱 I have no idea how it happened but im sorry for the confusion! This is now the full and edited chapter ready to read 😅 Now without further delay, enjoy the book!

"You know you'll kill again, so think about it. Dear, (Y/n). We'll meet again in the near future, don't you worry about that. And I hope that by then, you'll make up your mind."

"(Y/n)? Are you alright? You've hardly touched your breakfast," your mother voiced concern.

"Yeah, sorry mom, just thinking... about this crazy dream I had."

"Oh? What happened?"

"N-Nothing... Just... dreamt about... dad." It stung to lie to your mother, especially when it was about your dad, you could've said anything else, but the only excuse your brain could muster was one about your dad.

Your mother's eyes lowered, she always hated the subject of your father.

She smiled softly, which surprised you as she'd usually become quiet and change subjects quickly, but this time she began to speak about him.

"Your father... Do you remember anything about him?"

"I do have a few memories, he was always so kind... and gentle and..."

The both of you spoke in unison, "such a goofball."

Your mother gasped slightly, her finger rubbing the handle of her coffee mug. "He was the kindest man I had ever met. He was my soulmate and best friend."

She chuckled softly, "do you remember the time you guys went to the beach before it got trashed?"

You chuckled, "yeah, and dad lost his trunks in the waves."

Your mother laughed, it was a hearty, wholesome laugh that you haven't heard in a long time, "and he had to leave with that rubber ducky floaty as a cover-up."

"He used to have this little hat that you loved, it was yellow with a duck face on it, he had that hat since we were kids. He'd wear it every time you were sad, and seeing him in that hat always made you laugh..."

"Remember that one time we burnt the birthday cake for him, and he still ate it-"

"Just so that we wouldn't feel bad."

"I think dad got food poisoning for three days after that, " you laughed.

"I remember..." your mother laughed.

What was a room full of reminiscing and laughter quickly turned into soft crying.

Your mother wiped away her tears but they kept flowing, "he was a good man."

"I miss him, mom..."

"I do too darling..."

"I wish I could remember more from my childhood, so I could remember more of him..."

Your mother's face darkened quickly, she held your hand and squeezed it, " Sometimes its best to not remember, (Y/n)."

What does that mean?

"What are you talking about, mom?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Come now, you're going to be late for school!" Your mother said, forcing a smile.

"Are you sure you want to go, (Y/n)? Maybe..."

Your mother fidgeted for a moment, " maybe you might want to drop out of U.A... There are other schools with a more gentle approach that you'd like..."

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