40a - Like old times

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Forget school, I don't want to go anymore. It's not like I'll be any good there anyway.

You sat chewing at your nail with a familiar scene, although it was only such from faint, fuzzy memories and one vivid nightmare which happened not long ago. Still, it felt like an eternity had passed.

The same sloped grassy spot by the streaming river where you, Bakugo, and your friends used to play. The spot where you both would innocently nap together or watch the sunset, wondering what wonderful meals your mothers would cook at the end of the day.

The nostalgia was almost overwhelming, those times were long ago, something lost in the crumbling sands of time.

Everything felt the same from that time, even the pattern of clouds seemed like a spitting image to what little memory of it you had left.

You chewed away at your nail, it slowly became soft and bendable. You wondered how long you've kept this habit, going back so long you couldn't remember.

Shinso ruined your mood, and you decided to skip school today. Though, you felt horrible for it.

"I can't skip school for any minor inconvenience, but I just can't help it. Shinso just... pissed me off..."


"I just don't want to keep going off on people. First Bakugo, then Aizawa, now Shinso... I'm an emotional wreck..."

You cried slightly, "I don't know if I'll ever get better..."

You sniffled, blinking back tears again.

"What are you doing here?"

That deep raspy voice made your skin crawl and turn to ice. You could feel the painful goosebumps form on your skin.

You looked up, and you saw the face you were expecting, yet so surprised to see.


He glared down at you, his one hand resting in his pocket while the other carried his case.

"Why are you here?" You asked.

"I could ask the same for you," he sighed irritably.

You faced away ashamed, "Just going through some stuff."

He sighed irritably, you heard his body shifting and sitting beside you, of course, with enough distance of 5 feet.

"Why are you here?"

"None of your business. " He growled.

"Well you stuck your nose in my business, asshole," you whispered.

"What was that?" He snapped.

"None of your business" you mocked him, giving him a large and annoyed eye-roll, you chewed your nail again, this time pulling a piece which tore off your flesh, and it started to bleed. You clasped your hand when the electric pain registered.

He was silent. You were silent, however, seconds later he began to chuckle.

You turned to him shocked, it had been a while since you heard that laugh. Since you were kids, however, puberty graced him with his deeper voice, this voice was sexy compared to his higher pitched childlike voice when he was younger.

"I feel like I'm talking to a stranger. Just a few months ago you were this pathetic little wimp. Now, look at you."

He turned to you, "Who are you?"

That question struck your heart for some reason, it pierced through, it burned, it bleed, it was the most intense kind of pain.

Who am I?

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