21 - Quirk

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His hand shook violently, not even looking as Midoriya was carried out to the recovery room by the helper bots. He didn't check to see if he was alive or to even meet the gaze of All Might. No, he stood where he was, watching his unclenched hand tremble as Midoriya's final words rang through his head.

My right... Deku predicted it... On top of that... He found a way to win the exercise...

Midoriya's words rang loudly in Bakugo's ears, it pierced his soul and sent a cold whip down his spine.

He thought of what Midoriya did, of the final moments of the battle, his words, his thoughts, his actions, his plans

But also...

The desperate cry he heard from (Y/N) that transmitted through All Might's microphone. Her begging. Her threats. What would she have done now?... What will she say?

Breathing became hard, his chest wheezed in every breathe. He tried to suck in more air but it felt as if his lungs were air-tight. His skin felt tighter, his hair felt heavier, his eyes felt dry while his throat strangled itself mercilessly. It felt as if his body was shutting down.

Does that mean... Even if we fought all-out... Deku would completely beat...

He wanted to explode, he wanted to not be there anymore. God, all he wanted to do was disappear. But instead, a heavy yet gentle hand held his shoulder, snapping him from his borderline breakdown.

"Come back, Young Bakugo. It's time to review your results. Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from your experience is a part of life. "

All Might left with his words in the air, Bakugo could still feel his heart stammer but using some force, he pushed himself to exit the room.

The roads of the faux city were empty besides the large building chunk or debris lying around. His stepping was slow and confused, but as Bakugo spotted the silhouette standing in the distance, his feet stopped and a small breath left his lips.

He watched her, her hair was glossy and soft while it wavered in the breeze. Her eyes narrowed, her eyebrows furrowed.

For a second, Bakugo thought she was angry but as she neared he could see she looked more disappointed than angry. She didn't cry or speak. She just kept walking.

I've never seen Nomi like this...

His heart fluttered slightly

It was kinda badass.

She walked until they stood a few meters apart.

"What the hell do you want, Twig?"

She didn't speak, a small shaky sigh was her response.

"I told you I would hurt him. You're not my fucking mom. Don't expect me to do what you ask."

She didn't respond.

Bakugo growled at this, who the hell does she think she is?


She stared, her hand began to bleed as her nails dug into her palm.

She closed her eyes and turned her head so he could only see her soft hair.


"Stop calling me that. I'm not your fucking friend. Do it again and I'll kill you."



"FUCKING WHAT?," Bakugo sprinted towards her, his frustrations and feelings finally boiling over, he grabbed her shoulders tightly, and shook her as his face screamed inches from her,

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