48- Damned

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"I've got to go now, Katsuki. I can't be late for training."

Bakugo scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, I know... Good luck I guess."

You smiled, " Everything okay?"

"It's nothing..."

"You said "its" which means there's something. Tell me, you know you can trust me."

His eyes looked away, "It's nothing it's just that..."

He grunted, "dammit, why couldn't you just say something. "


"When we were kids. Why couldn't you just tell me."

"Katsuki, you know I-"

"Yeah, I know you weren't supposed to tell me for protection and all that crap."

"-but it's me. We were best friends, we'd tell each other everything. Didn't you even trust me?"

You laugh, but not a humorous laugh, your eyebrows furrowed, and your eyes widen in disbelief

"Bakugo, you're surely not kidding, right? It didn't matter if I trusted you or if I didn't, I wasn't allowed. Also, we had our falling out when it happened. You started bullying me. I didn't know if you'd use my quirk against me, just like everything else. My mother's drinking, my weakness, my size, you used everything I trusted you with against me."

Bakugo almost seemed to flinch at your words, his face getting red and his eyes flaring, "but I wouldn't use your quirk!"

"How would you know?!"

"Because that's not me!"

"No, that's you thinking now! Not who you were nearly a decade ago! Hell, I still have scars of where you burned me from merely a few months ago!"

"But -"

"No, Bakugo. The fact of the matter is that I didn't tell you because you were a bastard to me. You weren't there for me even when you promised you would. You used my most vulnerable secrets and used them as a mockery game just to look cool in front of your friends." You hiss at him. In just moments, your anger had swallowed you up, and that burning irritation towards Bakugo had started to spill out again. The past was a sore spot, and Bakugo seemed to love focusing on it.

"And even now, even after everything we've been through, you still find a way to make everything MY fault. I thought you'd changed and matured, but I see you're still that insecure little boy who can't take enough blame because your ego is too damn fragile."

You barked back, poking your finger into his chest multiple times. He looked taken aback and eventually shameful.

"Now I have better things to do than argue with a spoilt toddler, like training."

You heard his angry raspy voice shouting back, "Well screw you too! God damn nerd!"

You didn't turn back but responded with a lovely hand gesture as a final goodbye.

What the hell was that?! Just a second ago, we had the most sincere moment, but now we're back to square 1. Dammit Bakugo, why are you so egotistical...


Bakugo's Perspective

Dammit, why did I have to open my big trap?

When she explained it like that, I didn't even realize how right she was. How much of an ass I was to her. I mean- I know I was an ass- but at the same time, I guess there are so many other factors that I always seem to forget. Dammit, even the things I never thought of affected her in some way, everything I did hurt her. It's so confusing, all these emotions...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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