40b- ☆Special Chapter☆

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(Author: Hi everyone! This is a special chapter involving both Y/N and Bakugo!  I want to thank everyone for reading my cruddy book, so here is a chapter involving both perspectives. Enjoyy)

Bakugo's Perspective

Nomi had always confused me, but most of the time it was unintentional on her side. I was in constant conflict with my feelings for the Shrimp.

I never thought I could feel my heartbreak, I always thought I was too tough for it. Yet as I watch her break down in front of me, hearing the pain she tried so hard to hide and to share her feelings of utter hopelessness made the emotions hidden deep down in me burst out. Of course, only a person like her could do that to me.

Even in her sobbing state, she was beautiful. Even with the snot, saliva, and tears spewing out, even with her red puffy eyes with dark rings underneath with hair clinging to her leaking fluids, I could only see how beautiful her eyes were shining in the sun, how perfect her figure was huddled over, how her hair swayed in the wind. Even in her state, she gave me butterflies.

I hate how she makes me feel. I hate the fact that she weakens me, how she can easily manipulate my trust and emotions as she did all those years ago.

When she pushed me for that useless green bastard, the way she picked him over me. I never thought I could hurt like that, and I knew that day how much of a grasp she had on my emotions and I knew what she could do. I forced myself to hate her, so she could never control my emotions like that day. Even if we were kids. She impacted me too much... and it hurt.

But today, maybe just today, I will let her see me. See my real feelings, just as she had done to me.

To be attacked on the train, I know what that feels like. Being attacked by a sludge villain and hopelessly become a vessel while his sickly liquid body crawled down my throat. I could relate to the trauma, only I was able to overcome it by sheer ambition. She was different, however, because she caused the pain of those men, and she was constantly reminded of her power, which she can't even control.

I wiped my tears away quickly, Nomi sat awkwardly as I quickly swatted away my tears, growing frustrated with the blushing as well.

I didn't cry often, but when I did, damn, I hated it.

I slammed my fist to the soil below, only to be met with a very unimpressive soft sound of grass crumbling. I hated being emotional.

"God dammit," I grunted.

Nomi flinched as I cursed out in frustration, I paused.

She watched me cautiously. Was she afraid of me?

It hurt. Seeing her big eyes watch me in anticipation, her body edging away from me.

How much have I hurt her to be scared of me when I'm mad?

My heart ached at the thought.

Have I even comforted her yet?

The guilt set into the ache my heart was already feeling, making it hurt more.

She was so quick to be there when I broke down. Selfish bastard, what about her? What about everything she just said? Fucking idiot!

"Nomi I-"

I paused. The words refused to form sentences in my mind.

She stared again. "I-I... You- It's...We-... I can't... I didn't..."

Her hand swept over, gently sliding her fingers in between my fingers and gently squeezing my hand.

Her smile formed, soft and warm.

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