14 - Butterfly

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The day had ended. The bustling students left the building full of conversation about how exciting and draining their first day was along with the tired voices of upper-classmen talking casually about what they wanted to do after school and the latest gossip.

You walked alone, It would've been sad to others but you liked it this way. Even Izuku knew that even though you both grew closer today, you enjoyed your solitude.

Your thoughts organised themselves with effort as you sluggishly walked home.

You exited the doors with the sky a pinkish-orange. You scanned the students before you, amazed by their quirks.

Your eyes fell onto the explosive hair of Bakugo.

He walked alone, you couldn't tell his expression as his back facing you.

Wait what the-

Your legs acted on their own and you skipped up to Bakugo.

What am I doing?!

You walked to his side, face peering at his. You decided to just roll with it despite your body's very sudden choice.

His face hung in a grumpy scowl, he hadn't noticed you yet.

He clutched his scarf you caught in his hand.

Finally, his eyes caught yours, a flash of surprise crossed his face.

"H-Hey Bakugo..."

"What the fuck do you want?"


You looked forward, now registering the shapes of the beautiful clouds.

"I - I wanted to see you."

You noticed him flinch lightly, this drew you back to meet him.

"Well, I don't want to see you, fuck off."

You ignored his remark, "Bakugo... About earlier... I'm sorry for standing in front of you..."

"Tch. Whatever."

You walked beside him for a while, and surprisingly, he didn't chase you or threaten you. He allowed your company.

Bakugo... What's changed? It feels like just a few months ago you would choke me when I even looked at you... What's changed... Are you... Are you feeling the same feelings I've been experiencing?

He chuckled to himself suddenly, you looked up at him.

"What's up?"

"I was just thinking about how pathetic your throw was earlier."

"H-Hey! That was my best record yet!" I whined.

"I know. That's what makes it pathetic."

I smirked evilly, taking a chance to get on his nerves, "Well at least I didn't Canon ball in the sand at long jump. Honestly," you reached on your tippy-toes taking a bold reach at Bakugo. He stiffened instantly and allowed you to touch his hair.

You lifted his hand and dropped grains of sand in it.

"You still have sand everywhere!" You snickered, your heart now fluttering as you smelt his cologne.

A challenging smirk crossed his face, "You bitch."

You snickered, slightly cautious of what his next reaction would be, but he continued without issue.

You continued walking with him, not talking after your previous conversation until you broke the silence first.

"About Izuku... What were you going to do?"

Bakugo remained silent for too long and you took it as him ignoring the question.

"I don't know." he finally answered.

You watched him keenly.

"I didn't know what to do. Your stupid little stunt made me pull a blank, Twig."

You didn't respond, instead, your eyes caught something else.

A butterfly, with bright yellow wings.

You walked up to it and in a second you walked over to Bakugo who surprisingly waited for you.

The butterfly flickered for a moment as you picked up the pace but as you meet him you showed it to him.

"Remember when we were kids? You used to think that getting butterflies on my finger was my quirk."

He looked at it, his once angry face now watching the butterfly calmly.

You walked together, laughing as the butterfly landed on Bakugo's nose.

"You look like you have a funky mustache," you giggled.

He blew at the butterfly who only flickered its wings, refusing to move.

"Hey Bastard, Get off! Free ride's over!"

You laughed, "He's more stubborn than you."

You reached out, using Bakugo's chest as support to reach his nose. The butterfly obeyed and crawled onto your finger. You lifted your hand in the air, it took off.

"Damn. Maybe your quirk is with butterflies. But that would be pretty lame." he jeered.

You both stopped walking as you watched the butterfly flutter away.

"I think I'll name him Suki."

"Suki? Why?"

"It's short for Katsuki. He reminds me of you."

"That's dumb."

"No it's not!" you turn to him, "His wings reminded me of your hair! The orange spots in his wings reminded me of your quirk! And his stubbornness reminded me of your personality!" You joked now sticking out your tongue.

"You're fucking dumb." He scoffed

"Hm," I responded neutrally.

We neared the exit of the school, our houses heading in opposite directions.

"Bakugo I..."

He paused and looked at you.

"I enjoyed talking to you... It reminded me of when we were kids... Thank you..." You spoke genuinely.

His face reddened slightly, his frown becoming more defined, he turned his back to you, "Yeah well... Don't get used to it. You caught me at a good time... Don't think we're buddy's now. In fact, don't ever talk to me again."

Your heart hurt, but you forced your smile, "I get it... G-Goodbye Bakugo..." You walked off sadly, the fond memories replayed over and over.

It hadn't been like that in over fourteen years. But I enjoyed knowing your still the same lovable Katsuki.

The yellow butterfly fluttered in front of you, it flying away in the sunset.

You smiled.


What a perfect name to remember you, Katsuki...

(Word count: 935)

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