45 - Tea

603 21 6

The lessons passed swiftly and before you knew it, you stood at the door for the teachers' lounge. You wiped your sweaty hands on your skirt. And quickly swept your hair to the side to breeze out your warm neck.

Your hand hesitated before the door for a second before knocking three times.

"Mr. All Might?"

You heard shuffling and the door quickly opened.

In an instant, you felt your entire body sweat as a looming shadow covered your face. You had seen All Might before but being this close made you realize what a mountain the man truly was and how much a shrimp you were compared.

Bakugo was right.

"Ah! Young (L/N) How Can I Help You?"

His voice was booming and powerful, you couldn't help but shake at his presence.

"Al-" Your voice quivered and quickly deflated at the first word. You desperately cleared your throat and found your voice again.

"A-All Might..."


"All Might... I'm sorry to bother you but may I please talk about something with you?"

The man laughed, enough to vibrate through your rib cage.

"Of Course, Young (L/N)! Come In And Sit!"

He moved his huge body to the side, accidentally knocking a table slightly. You walked past and awkwardly stood by the couch.

"Have A Seat." All Might gestured.

You promptly sat on one of the couches, and immediately held your hands.

All Might walked over, however, with his weight it sounded more like stomping. He plopped down into a seat that slightly quivered under his weight.

"Tea?" He offered, his large hand gesturing towards a teapot located at the coffee table separately from you and him.

"Uh... Yes please."

With surprising delicacy, he lifted the teapot and poured you a cup full.

You graciously took the cup and took a sip, it's Gyokuro tea. Fancy and gives a fine example of this school's prestige. The sweetness is addictive and you took another sip. This calmed you down enough you look All Might in the eye, or- technically the shadowed spot where his eyes would be-

"So What Can I Help You With?"

"Well, there was a reason why I wanted to speak to you, All Might. I wanted to ask you something."

"What Is It, Young (L/N)?"

"It's...It's your quirk..."

All Might stiffened, and shifted in his seat. He visibly looked nervous.

"Um... How do you control it?"

His body relaxed and he stared at you for a moment.

"You Are Concerned For Your Own Quirk, Is That Correct?"

You hesitated, "Y-Yes."

You knew the school was aware of your quirk situation but it was still odd hearing someone so casually mention your quirk.

"Ah..." He hummed.

"It's just that... you also have a really strong quirk and maybe you can help me just live with it."

"Live?" All Might echoed.

"I want to live a life where I'm not afraid of myself. Of what I can do. I want to smile every day knowing that I won't hurt anyone. That I won't... kill... anyone."

"I want to help people. I want to be a hero and just gain some control of myself. I need your help, All Might. Did you ever struggle? Did you ever... hurt anyone? How did you do it?"

"You Won't Like The Answer, Young (L/N)," All Might sighed heavily.

"It's True That Once I Received My Quirk, It Was Very Difficult To Control."

He placed down his teacup, already finished in one sip.

"Unfortunately There Is No Easy Way Out. I Trained Hard. I Work Every Day Until My Body Could Contain One For All. I Trained Day And Night, And Even When I Was Near Death From Exhaustion, I Trained."


"Think Of It Like This." All Might picked up a teapot and began to pour himself a cup of tea. "Think Of Your Quirk Like Me Pouring A Cup Of Tea. If It Wasn't Trained I would Have Instantly Crushed It Into Pieces. But I Can Control My Strength To Recognize The Situation. I Recognize that Right Now I Do Not Need My Strength, And Thus Can Pour This Tea Normally." "You Need To Control Your Quirk To Recognize When It Can Be Used For Harm."

You hummed unsuringly

"Don't Be Discouraged, Young (L/N). You Are A Determined Girl. Just Work Hard And Train Your Quirk. I Heard Aizawa Created A Training Plan for You."

"Yeah," You smiled to yourself, " He Did..."

"I Know It Seems Impossible From Your Perspective, But Keep Working Hard And You Truly Will Get There. I Believe In You, (L/N)!"

He shouted that last bit enthusiastically, giving you his signature smile.

You sipped the last bit of tea and placed it down, "Thank You All Might."

You both stood up and walked to the door, All Might Reached for the Handle.

"And All Might... Thank you for looking after Izuku."

All Might's hands stopped before reaching the doorknob.

"He deserves to be happy. He deserves a quirk. More than anyone. That day I saw you both on the beach, Midoriya looked so determined and just like you... he worked so hard. You made his dream a reality..."

You instead reached out for the door handle and opened it.

"Don't worry, I'd never say anything. Izuku deserves his dreams to come true."

With that you left, All Might watching you leave.

"Thank You, Young (L/N)..."

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