Chapter 11 - The Awkwardness

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Chapter 11

Okay. This is the time that I want cameras to pop out and say 'You just got Punk'd!' , but sadly, there were no cameras this time and a lot of people were looking at us. Cause I'm Taylor, and there's Harry, then there's Joe and the driver. Oh cool, this would be fun! - Note the sarcasm.

"Joe?" I asked as I left a little bit of horror in my voice.

"What a lovely surprise!" Joe hugs me tightly.

I felt Harry's gaze at Joe and trust me, it's worse inside than it looks outside.

"Hey Joe!" I left a playful smack in his shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles, from One Direction." Harry introduces himself and offered to shake hands. Joe accepted it but I definitely felt the awkwardness and the intensity in the room, or in the city...

Ground, please swallow me.

"I know you." Joe grins.

Harry rolled his eyes. I moved awkwardly far behind Harry.

"So, Joe, what brings you here?" I asked. Yes, I'm anxious to know about it.

"Well, I'm shooting my new movie here, and, I saw you few minutes ago, and I thought I might as well say hi to you, and your company?" He hopefully, jokingly said.

Again, this would be fun! - Note the sarcasm.

"Oh." I replied with one word cause I definitely didn't know what to say. I'm speechless, confused and clueless. Why?

"Do you want to have lunch with us?" Harry asked Joe with a hint of a smile in the corner of his mouth.

Oh I love that smile.

Stop it.

Wait what? Lunch with Joe? The guy who dumped me on the phone without even a relevant reason? This day is so fucked up.

"I would love too." Joe grins.

I'm confused...


I took a sip of my cafe in my sit opposite to Harry's. Joe is sitting right next to me and I have no clue how I got in to this mess. Can this day get even weirder? Or worse? I don't even want to give a fuss about it.

Let's get this over with, Taylor. Just play along with the two good looking guys infront and beside you.

"Since when were you here?" Harry breaks the silence with an intriguing look on his face.

"Probably a week." Joe smiles. I haven't let a single word move pass right out of my mouth the whole time. I'm not even listening to their conversation because my concience is screaming to get the hell out of here.

Joe or Harry?

Harry or Joe?

How 'bout Jarry? Yeah, that wouldn't be so bad.

Taylor, you're an idiot.

What if I just marry my cats and be with myself my entire whole life? Sounds interesting.

"It's nice seeing you again, Joe." I said as I was trying my best to stand from my chair.

"No problem." Joe smirked.

"Till we meet again." Harry says showing off his thick accent.


Because I have no classes on Monday, I guess I would spend more time reading and writing rather than complaining about school, being such a pain in the ass! (oops! foul language. sorry). Anyways, I've written Chapter 10 and 11 today. Both short but it's definitely full of surprises! I miss Hallie! I love you all. Please vote and comment, cause it would really mean a lot. And if you have friends, maybe you could recommend it to them. I heard about the split of Haylor. I'm not a HATER and I'm also not a fan. There's NO hate that I've put in this story. Okay, this is the end of explaining my thoughts of them. This author's note is too long so I better stop before I piss people off. Bye for now.

C out! Laters ;)

Picture of Taylor hugging Joe Jonas at the side. >>>

Video of the moment that suits the situation of this Chapter is "Begin Again" by Taylor Swift (Considering the CAFE and PARIS).


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