Chapter 44 - Love at it's best

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Hi. Btw Teaser below the author's note. Read it, k? K. HAHAH

---------------------------------Chapter 43 👋

Taylor's P.O.V. 💃

"Thank you for keeping me company, Taylor. Sorry if I was such a bother" I snapped my head towards Perrie as I inwardly groaned. I've been daydreaming again and it was Harry this time. Ugh fuck it and Abi was involved too plus CARA UGH, the hell. Nevertheless, I smiled at the kindness of her voice.

"No problem, Perrie. Come back anytime" she grinned and nodded before walking out the door, leaving me. I sighed and rubbed my temples. That was sad but also comforting at the same time.

Walking back to the living room, I sat down on the sofa, rethinking what me and Perrie discussed.

Would it kill me if I say that Selena is turning out to be a monster? I can't say the same to Cara cause she already is one.

But why does Selena hate me so bad? If it's because of Justin, that's beyond ridiculous and makes no sense.

She just laughs at people who tweets about me being "perfect" for Justin, so why is she suddenly so infuriated by me now?

And when I deny things she doesn't hesitate in believing what I say. She always trust me.

Why is it suddenly so hard for her to trust me now? I was always by her side, I never did anything against her will. Heck, I'd trust her with my life.

But I guess time flies by and things change and it's not the same as it was before.

I wish I just told her what my best friend meant to me.

Then there's Cara.

What did I even do to her?! At first she was the bubbly one who is somewhat like me when I'm all hyper and shit. And not to be offensive she seemed clueless but looked innocent in everything she does.

Is it wrong to say that I was deeply jealous of her? And her being with Harry didn't help my case.

I know I was a bitch whenever I see her, I keep on bitching about her in my mind. But I couldn't help back then.

Being famous doesn't cover the fact that you're still human.

Face it, I'm just normal me.

Then I realized those little flashes that I see in her eyes when I insult her or whenever I even look at her. Those forced smiles on her pale face whenever I was even near Harry's presence. Those bad shivers I get when I catch her looking my way.

She hated me the moment she knew I had a connection with Harry. Even if it was in the past. It doesn't change a shit in her eyes.

Does she possibly see me as a threat?

I shook my head and laughed a little at the none sense that popped in my head.

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