Chapter 34 - Drama all the way!

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Chapter 34

"Taylor? Tay? Tay-Tay? Woohoo?" I heard Selena over my shoulder trying to look like a drunkard and trying to distract me at the same time.


"Well, you've been staring at the space for like five minutes. I swear, I think the wall is about to crack. If only looks could kill, honey."


"Didn't you hear what I just say?"

"Uhm, I don't know."

"Jeez, what's up to you and you're fucked up state? After you've read the text message on your phone, you've been acting like a creep!"

"Oh." Is all that I could say...

"Ugh, whatever! I'm going out for a minute and I think you should fix whatever problem you have right now. And if you're ready to talk to me about everything that is going on in your mind right now, just let me know, okay?"

I nodded and she left me with a blank expression.

Who would text me in the middle of the afternoon and telling me that If I don't follow what they say, someone could get hurt?

I'm so confused right now. I don't even know if I want to tell my bestfriends the problem that's been disturbing me for awhile now. And that problem is Cara. I'm guessing that bitch sent me that text. Well, well, well, I could NOT pay attention to that faggot for a second. And we'll see where this is going...


"Where are you? I told you to come here!" I heard a loud screaming and shouting voice after I answered my phone without even paying attention in who's on the other line.

"Oh you again!"

"Yes, me. CARA."

"What are you doing? You're fucking calling me in the middle of the night for what?"

"Actually, it's just 9 in the evening so I don't see the point on why I shouldn't! And second, what did I tell you if you don't follow my rules? Someone's gonna get hurt!"

"Oh yeah? Test me."

"Want some challenge?"

"Just call me if I have won already!"

"Haha, Taylor. Darling, you are truly funny!!!"

"Funny, my ass!"

"Your ass isn't big enough!"

"Says the Victoria Secret model who does some butt jobs everyday!"

"You know what? Fuck off!"

"Go fuck yourself!"

And with that, I officially threw my phone at the window. That fucking bitch is so dead to me. I seriously don't get it why Harry is still interested with that clingy asshole.

All I know, is everything will be alright.

Who the fuck am I kidding?

Someone WOULD get hurt.

What am I going to do now? I swear, if Cara hurts one of my friends or family, I'm gonna pound her boobs so hard that she would lose her job as slutty model.

Isn't that too harsh?



I guess it's afternoon and I'm going to Selena's place. I need a girl to girl heart talk. It actually took me twenty minutes just to go there. I am officially not licensed as a fast driver. By the way, she's just my neighbor...

I turned off the engine of my car and immediately stepped out of my Audi. I looked around at Selena's lawn when I heard a loud "bang" inside her house. I quickly ran to the entrance of her house and saw Selena lying down on the floor surrounded with blood.

What the fuck just happened?

Not knowing who to call, I pressed the first person in my Contacts, Harry's number...


"Yeah, hi. Uhm, Selena got shot by a gun! And ummm you need to go here!!!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, Harry. This is just a fucking stupid prank!"

"Fine. I'll be there! Just don't go anywhere"

Why would I even leave Selena here drenched in her own blood?


"Taylor? Selena?"


"It's me. I'm here."

Again, not knowing what to do, I hugged Harry right away. My tears turned into sobs. I'm so weak and confused. I feel like dying just by seeing my bestfriend in this state is traumatizing me.

"Shhh. I'm here. I called the police and the ambulance. They'll be here."

"I don't what happened. Seriously, I just saw her there-"

"Baby, it's okay. I know it's not your fault. You wouldn't do that to anyone."


He kissed my hair and in that moment, I know I'm safer with him. I can never let him go. I still love him and I know it.

Whatever problems we had, I put aside of it and just trusted him that everything will be alright.

I walked around Selena's called body. It hurts me just by seeing it. She's so beautiful and young. I can't afford to lose someone like her. Just then, my thoughts focused on the paper that is glued on her shirt.

It says "Turn me"

What does that mean? Turn the paper? As my curiosity got even higher, I turned the paper back and it says "you just got punk'd!"

And with that the light goes off...

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