Chapter 13 - Get Together

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Chapter 13

"Goodmorning!" I chirped happily, entering the living room. We all decided to move to a bigger hotel suite, to accommodate all of us, much to Eleanor's dismay. I hate that stupid girl.

"Omg Taylor, you are so pretty!" Amy gushed. After 2 days, why is she still a fangirl?

I looked at what I was wearing. I was wearing my unicorn pajamas. I've got swag, bitches. I smiled sheepishly at her and muttered a thank you.

Running to the kitchen, I spotted the fridge. Opening it, I took a bowl of carrot sticks. Munching on the sweet delicacy, I thanked the Lord for giving us carrots.

I got out of the kitchen and sat beside Danielle, still munching on my carrot. Louis suddenly jumped behind me.

"What are you eating?" His eyes widened when he saw the bowl of carrots. Oh no you filthy hobo nu-uh! What's mine is mine!

"Not again." I heard Liam sigh. I stared at Louis and he had an almost sadistic looking smile. Holy fuck that is not a good sign!

"Give me!" I shot out of my seat and ran.

Must protect my food. Must protect my food.

I looked behind me and I swear I saw his mouth producing foam. What the hell is going on? Is he having seizure? Should I bring him to the hospital?

"Go away!" I shouted, dodging him. Think you can outran me? I was the first placer for track and field back in grade school!

Just as I thought I was winning, I tripped on something.

Let me paint a picture. It all happened in slow motion.

The bowl came flying to god knows where. The carrots fell dramatically on the ground. I can almost hear the carrot saying "Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground, oh!"

I'm a lonely little blonde.

My knees dropped down next to my carrots as I burst out into tears.

"My c-carrots!" I cried and I saw Louis rolling on the floor, crying harder than me.

I stopped crying and walked away slowly. And I thought I was weird. On to the kitchen!

I burst through the kitchen door just to see Harry and Niall fighting over the last Haribos, Zayn and Perrie doing inappropriate things, and Eleanor texting. I swear to god Liam and Danielle are the only normal ones.

"Guys!" I said in a sweet voice and they all turned to me with curious faces except for Miss Ugly over there who is now looking at her hideous nails. I will remove your nails one by one when you sleep.

Taylor, calm down.

"Get out if kitchen!" They all obeyed and ran out of the kitchen. Now, being responsible me decided to cook for them. Worship me.

Scanning around the shelves, I saw recipes for Ratatouille, seafood pasta, beaf steak and other classy shit. I don't really care cause I'm too lazy now.

I took out 10 cups and started to add water to the cup noodles. Judge me.

I heard someone enter the room. I turned around and saw Harry. I kept myself from blushing like a weirdo and put on my cool demeanor.

"Yo!" I greeted and he raised an eyebrow at me. Eh? What's with the attitude?

"What are you cooking?" Your dick. Kidding!

"Cup noodles." I answered and he stared at me as if I was stupid. I may be a blonde but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I can pass as a blonde Einstein!

"What?" I asked irritated for he was staring at me for god knows how long. Am I really that irresistable? My ego went straight up the roof.

"Out of all the decent things you could cook, you chose that?" I shrugged at his statement. He just doesn't get it.

"It reminds me of your hair. I bet someone smashed a bowl of noodles on your bald head. If it weren't brown locks I would've sell that to hungry hobos by now." I heard someone snicker. I grinned that looked like I broke my cheek.

"Leprechaun!" I glomped at him. Pinching his cheeks, I heard him groan in pain.

What? You couldn't blame me he was born so adorable! This blondie is just too cute for my own good. I will make him into my personal pet someday. I was now picturing him in a leash cowering in fear.

I am so losing it.

"Cute." I cooed and he smiled proudly. I let go of him skipping back to the living room and opening the tv and I froze.

"Happy birthday Taylor Swift!" The 2 newscasters greeted. What? Today's the 10th of December! That's not even close to my birthday! If it was, then my fans would be sprinkling glitter all over me. I turned to Danielle who was asleep and cuddled next to a snoring Liam. They're really cute together. I wonder how gorgeous they're dancing-singing babies will be.

"Guys." I shook them both as they rubbed their eyes

"What is it, Taylor?" They said in unison. Aw!

"What day is it today?" I asked nervously fidgeting with my hands. I know it's the tenth of December. I just know it. I wouldn't miss my birthday for the world! Well except for churros.

They looked at me before answering

"13th of December." Oh.

And that's when the darkness greeted me.

Am I dead yet?



Okay, so here am I writing Chapter 13 for all of you. Hallie made this while we were in our Math class. Hmmm. We don't care at all. Anyways, Chapter 14 would be about Birthday, Birthday, Birthday! I told Hallie to put the Birthday theme in Chapter 13 but she put in the end. Anywaysss, If you enjoyed this story, please, please vote and give us a feedback. Instead of reading some books and studying, I've been doing this. So, I need to study now and do my thing.

C out! Laters ;)


H out ;)))

I dare you to look at Taylor and watch the video. I bet you'll smile =))) -H


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