2. A whole new world

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She had vomited near his brand-new shoes and then fainted. Sighing, he picked her up and put her on a newly summoned chair. He would have to clean up the floor soon but right now his priority was how these two humans streaked across the sky on Starfall, carried a weird box that lighted up now and then along with some sour patch(?) and entered Velaris in the first place. Knowing Amren would be impatient and worried, he apologized half-heartedly to the Cauldron and splashed two glasses of ice-cold water on both. The effect was instantaneous.

"What the hell!" "Fuck!" The two shouted and blinking looked around.

"I am going to ask you questions and you better answer truthfully," the Spymaster said as he picked one of the knifes and carelessly twirled it. "Clear?"

"Crystal," replied the female. He couldn't scent any fear on her whatsoever while the male clutched her hand, shaking a bit.

Eve was scared. She was also determined to get them the hell out of the place. So, she reinforced her wall and hardened her mask, she could cry and shake later. Right now, Mike needed her and not both of them could've the luxury to let fear and panic take over.

"Where are you two from?" "I already told you, we are from New York City," Eve said, trying not to roll her eyes. "Where is this New York?" "Are you for real? New York? The United States of America?" This time Mike asked the bat-boy incredulously.

"How did you end up here?" Azriel asked, ignoring the male. What on Cauldron's name was America? The shadows didn't find anything amiss with the two in terms of madness. In fact, they said that the humans were saying the truth.

"You asked that before too. Is there a point of this questioning?" Eve asked, she must really have a death wish. Azriel snarled, making the female shake a bit. She visibly gulped.

"Do you know where you are?" The Spymaster asked. He was met with silence. "I am assuming no then," he muttered. Just then Amren and Cassian entered. "Mor is guarding," Cass said. Azriel nodded, there was no need to add that she way busy guarding Velaris' walls.

"What did you find?" 

"All nonsense but my shadows say they are not lying and aren't crazy either." Az informed the two on what he had gotten to know so far.

Eve watched as the dude covered himself up in some sort of mist somehow. After a few moments, the mist cleared, revealing two new people. "Holy fuck!" Eve exclaimed, momentarily forgetting she was currently held by the scary dude. The female looked ethereal while the male carried brute force with him. 

"Yep. We are officially doomed," Mike muttered with an undertone of awe. Eve couldn't help but snicker earning raised brows from all 3 strangers.

"Hey! I am the pessimist around here. Besides, we aren't dead..... yet," Eve whispered to him. Mike snickered and Eve felt proud of herself for accomplishing that small achievement.

"New York?" The girl asked. "Yes!" Mike and Eve exclaimed. "Which realm is that in?" Cassian asked.

"Oh god, is this a cult that acts as if they are not from Earth? Look, we aren't interested in joining your club whatsoever, we are leaving," Eve said and got up. Well, tried to, her head was still a bit dizzy. She sat back as fast as she had gotten up muttering, "maybe in some time."

"Earth," Amren said, recalling the very little information she had read on it. In one of the darkest places in the House of the Wind library, she had read about it when she was researching in different worlds out of interest. She quickly filled the two in, Azriel's shadows giving them privacy.

Mike's head was pounding. The room smelled and he was surrounded by mad, hunky people. No matter how selfish he sounded at the moment, he was glad Eve was with him. "Psst, we aren't tied so why are we not escaping?" Mike asked Eve in a low voice.

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