20. Culprit caught and some drama

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"So?" Mike asked, holding Eve's hand. "Have this herbal and you will be fine in a week's time," Madja said, handing the bottle over. "You are lucky; you came here on time; the poison was a strong one." Eve shuddered.

Madja left soon after, leaving behind a close eyed Eve, Mike and Rhys. "Right," let's get you back to the House. Az is looking out for whoever is behind this," Rhys said. Eve nodded and they winnowed out.

They were met with a furious Az and a worried Mor. Cassian had to gone the Illyrian camps while Amren had other business to tend too.

"It was Cristina," Az grunted at the duo's confused face added, "Serena 2.0. She is in holding at the moment, your choice on what you want to do with her," he said, looking at Eve. Eve opened her mouth to speak but.... Shut it quickly. Right. Az' jaw twitched.

"If you want, I could talk with you mind to mind and then connect it with everyone else." Rhys offered. Eve shook her head violently. No is going to have a snoop in her head anytime soon. Instead, she used sign language that she had learned a few years ago along with Mike.

"She is saying that she would like to meet Serena 2.0- sorry, Cristina- later when her voice is back, till then you guys can let her go." Mike said. "Sign language," he explained to the others. Az made a sound of protest. "But she hurt you," he reasoned.

Eve shook her head. "She did but ... this feud has gone too far I guess; tell her this is my peace offering. But, if she ever does anything like it again, I will get back at her," Mike translated.

"Well, your forgiveness is great, but she is only leaving after I warn her my way," Mor grumbled and left, leaving behind a done Eve.

"Sorry for troubling you all," Mike translated and then huffed. "You didn't," Rhys assured. Eve yawned, and taking it as a cue, Rhys left after reminding Eve to take her medicine on time.

Even though he hadn't known Eve for that long, she had helped lighten his family when they had needed it the most- and helped Az who seemed to be smiling more these days; this was enough for him to be grateful to her for and to make sure she stays alright. It also helped that he liked her too for her own person.

Mother-hen as Mor puts it, Eve thought as she watched Rhys leave.

Az shifted on his feet. Mike taking the cue, left, following Rhys. Eve smiled at him. "I am sorry," he said. Eve tilted her head to side in confusion. "My shadows and I weren't up to the mark today." His shadows were already spread thin throughout the place, finding information about the Cauldron's pieces and the aftermath of Amarantha's reign in Prythian.

Eve shook her head while smiling. Don't even worry about it. She seemed to say. Az sighed and sat across her, hands on his knees as he leaned forward.

"You were wonderful today.." Eve beamed and Az felt calm take over his previous anger and frustration. He would deal with others later, right now, it was just him and Eve, the world fading into the background. Exhaling, she stood and went to settle beside him. Az heartbeat sped up as his shadows once again encased the two. They sat in comfortable silence and soon, Eve was snoring softly on his shoulder. Smiling, Az picked her up and made his way to a spare room so that she could sleep comfortably; he didn't want to invade her room's privacy.

He didn't know what they were, but one thing was for sure; it was a very precious thing, something so new, so brittle and delicate, yet shining bright gold.


The next week passed extremely slowly for Eve. She had regained her voice step by step through the days. It went from no noise to groans and whispers. When she finally got her voice back to normal, she squealed so loudly that Az who was present in the House, doing paperwork, ran to the hall with a knife in his hand. He was ready and poised along with his shadows to fight the danger but soon figured out it was just Eve jumping with joy with no harm befallen on her.

Sighing with relief, he put the knife back in its place. "Ha! I got my voice back! Yas bitches," she whooped. Az chuckled. "I missed the sound of your voice," he mummered. Eve blushed at that.

"I am going to kiss you now. Is that alright?" Az asked, coming to stand opposite her. Eve's cheeks became red as she nodded. Cauldron, he loved kissing her. And with that, Az crashed his lips against hers.

Eve didn't know for how long they had been kissing but by the time they parted apart, her lips were swollen. Az gave her a satisfied smirk. Eve hit him on his shoulder before turning around and coming face to face with Rhysand.

"Rhysand, hey.. how long have you been um standing there?" She asked a smirking High Lord.

"Long enough," he chuckled. "Also, call me Rhys," she blinked in surprise before nodding even if she wasn't going to call him by the name only his closest friends and family called; they hadn't reached that level of familiarity yet.

"And, now that you have your voice back, Cristina is awaiting," Az said from behind her. She sighed; Mike was still away- she would fill him in later. "Lead the way." Rhysand complied and Az soon followed them.


Eve scrunched up her nose. Cristina was scowling as she sat with hands crossed in the lone chair in the center of the dimly lit room. It was located in the lower levels of the House Eve hadn't even known existed... it was a damn big House.

"Hello there, messed up anyone's life lately?" Eve asked as she entered the room. Cristina's scowl deepened but went away just as fast when she saw the Shadowsinger enter along with the High Lord.

"Ok, let's make this fast. What you did crossed a line, I hope you know that." Cristina sneered. "What I am curious to know is: Why?"

"At start because you are a human- you shouldn't be here in the first place. But I messed up your voice because even when your singing sucks, he- Marcus finds it amazing... even though you are a human," she said. "Who the hell is Marcus?"

"Your one-nighter," Cristina spat. Oh, will he ever get out of my life! Eve thought; exasperated. First his brother and now a jealous female.

"Not my problem. So, wait, you did all this because you were jealous?" Cristina begrudgingly nodded after seeing Az glare at her. "Pathetic," Eve shook her head. She studied Serena 2.0 for another second before making her way towards the exit.

"If you ever harm anyone innocent ever again, I will make sure you get what's deserving. Karma's a bitch," Eve said stopping and turning around. "You are letting me go then?" Cristina asked in disbelief. "Only cuz the other option is more work and thought than you deserve," and with that Eve left. Cristina was left reeling behind... she was in Eve's debt now and she and everyone else present knew it.

Happy reading :)


the amazing author who is going to a bit of self promo now... sorry, bear with me... if anyone of ya'll like poetry, check out bleedin_poetry on insta where I pen my thoughts down every now and then.... 

ok, promo done, enjoy this chapter!

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