38. Ready for a battle

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A lot of things happened that night. Elain turned out to be a Seer, Lucien made the decision to leave and search for the human queen but, no Hybern forces were found lurking in the streets of Velaris, thankfully.

"You know precisely where you want Rhys to take you?" Feyre asked Lucien who seemed ready to take off- a soldier whose endurance was now about to be tested. Lucien nodded. His eyes went to his mate which didn't go unnoticed by anyone present.

Eve stepped forward to where he stood. He was her friend even if the circumstances that had made it happen were the most terrible. "Stay safe, will you?" Eve asked, assessing him from head to toe- memorizing him. Lucien nodded and gave her a soft smile. "You too," he hugged her and whispered in her ear so softly that no one else heard, "if no one, then at least let him in. Take care Eve." Eve hugged him tightly. She hated parting with another friend.


Eve was flipping through the pages of a book while Nesta practiced .... Whatever Amren had taught her when Amren herself came in, looking so furious that Eve instantly sat up straight. Rhys was instantly serious, "What." It was not even a question.

"Hybern has attacked the Summer Court. They lay siege to Adriata as we speak." Eve' heart stuttered- the war had officially begun.


They all made their way to the townhouse to meet after that. Eve was deep into her thought when Cassian and Az came in- the latter she knew was blaming himself; he failed getting this information.

"Has Tarquin called for aid?" Cassian asked Amren.

"I don't know. I got the message, and—nothing else." Cassian nodded once and turned to Rhys. "Did the Summer Court have a mobile fighting force readied when you were there?"

"No," Rhys said. "His armada was scattered along the coast."

"Half is in Adriata—the other dispersed," Az supplied. "His terrestrial army was moved to the Spring Court border ... after Feyre. The closest legion is perhaps three days' march away. Very few can winnow."

"How many ships?" Rhys asked. "Twenty in Adriata, fully armed."

"Numbers on Hybern?" "I don't know. Many. It—I think they are overwhelmed," Amren answered.

"What was the exact message?" Pure, unrelenting command laced every word. Amren's eyes glittered like molten silver. "It was a warning. From Varian. To prepare our own defences." Eve blinked- that was new.

"Prince Varian sent you a warning?" Cassian asked a bit quietly. Amren glared at him. "It is a thing that friends do." More silence.

"We cannot leave Tarquin to face them alone," Feyre said. Eve wholeheartedly agreed- Summer Court was one of the good ones as far as she knew.

"I am coming," Eve stated abruptly. Cassian opened his mouth to object but Az' whose jaw twitched beat him to it, "no, you are not. This is a battle; people die and you haven't ever fought like this before-"

Eve interrupted him, a bit irritated at that fact that Az had no faith in her, "well there is always a first Az, and you can't stop me from coming. I trained for this," Eve snapped. Az shadows darkened.

"Are you sure?" Rhys asked before Az could retort. Az looked very annoyed and as his brother, Rhys felt the need to interfere before things went downhill for the two. Eve nodded once. "Stay away from the main battle. Help inside the castle and stay with Feyre," Rhys said, command lacing his voice. Eve' clenched her jaw but agreed nevertheless.

She is stubborn, don't say something that will make her turn away from us again brother. She will remain safe, he said to Az, via mind. Az didn't reply but Rhys knew he had taken his advice.

"Stay safe," is all Az said to Eve and walked out. Eve bit her lips but didn't call after him.


Eve waited along with Mor and Feyre for the go-ahead order. Nesta sat, observing everyone with scrutiny. Sighing, Eve went and sat beside her.

"You are going to fight?" Nesta asked Eve, her eyes trained on her sister. Eve nodded once- nervous in anticipation of what was about to happen. "What do you know of battle?" Eve snorted, "guess I am about to learn." Nesta did not reply but simply held Eve's hand and squeezed it once. Eve understood the message- don't die.

"They've arrived. Let's go," Feyre said. Eve' heart did a somersault- it was time.

Happy reading :)


the amazing author  

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