63. The last meeting

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Eve was still sitting at the edge, cross-legged. Az had left her alone long ago for which she was thankful, his presence had been unwelcome along with his shadows that had hovered near her. They had slowly thinned though, sensing her displeasure. It was not him in particular, it was anyone really.

The sun was almost down, the mountains swallowing the sky and the light. She still sat there, unmoving and unblinking. Some disturbance ensued from behind her but she did not care. Sitting there, her mind was blank as she tried processing the previous months.

It had been months since she had made her first kill, since Mike died. It had been months since she had smiled- a real, wide smile. When was the last time she had laughed? Never mind, it did not matter. Nothing did anymore for she did not know where to go from here.

Someone cleared their throat; their shoes could be seen in her peripheral vision. Rhysand. She did not react. "The meeting is about to start; would you like to come?" his voice was soft and soothing; like he was talking to a child who could throw a tantrum anytime. This pricked Eve but she still did not show any type of response. He sighed, rubbing his forehead. And even though she suspected the stress and work he had to attend to right now, just after the war, Eve could not find it in her to feel sorry for him. 

"Lucien will be there," he tried again. "He would want to see you, I am sure." At this Eve paused- she had not seen him since weeks- and last he had been just as stranded as she now felt. Maybe.... Maybe she could find solace with him.

Finally, she got up and with one last look at the dying, red sun, she turned and met the violet gaze. This time, she did not infer what was going on in his eyes- no, she simply stood and stared back. Taking the cue, Rhys led the way to where the meeting was about to happen.


They kept throwing glances at her, Nesta too, but she either ignored them or was ignorant of them.

Azriel was nowhere to be seen, along with Mor who had gone with him to calm him down when he had seen his mate hug Lucien- a male who was not him. Despite the Illyrian blood that called onto him to make sure Lucien knew he loved Eve and she was his mate- he was glad she found comfort in someone, that she was interacting still... even if it was not him or the Inner Circle. After everything that had happened.... He was just relieved to see her void-like stature had broken.

Nesta stood between Eve and Cassian- who was now, thankfully bandaged up. She simply observed as everyone entered the room- weary and tired now that the adrenaline was wearing off. Her face was expressionless even if her heart was broken from inside- it was her fault father had died. If she had not stolen from the Cauldron, hell-bent on revenge- maybe the King would have spared her father. Her father who had named a ship after her. Her father who had loved her, despite how awful she had been, was still.

Eve glanced at where Elain stood- unscathed and could not stop, try as she might, the spark of jealousy that flared for a second. No, that was not right. Elain had gone through tough times too, and one cannot ever compare trauma. Shaking her head trying to shuffle the thoughts inside her head, she shifted her sight to where Rhys advanced towards their small group. Nesta stiffened as soon as she saw him approach while Cassian remained the same- sparing furtive, concerned glances at her and Nesta as if they could not see it.

"The meeting is about to start," he said, looking between the three of them. If he was looking for a response, he received none. He looked at Cassian for help who simply looked away, not knowing what to do himself. Rhys sighed just as Feyre advanced towards their small group.

"Almost everyone has settled down," she sighed, her nervousness showing with the people she was comfortable with. Rhys squeezed her hand, "you will do great." He said it with such certainness that Feyre smiled and nodded, gaining confidence once again. She then turned towards Eve and Nesta, looking a bit hopeful. "Will you join us?"

Nesta snorted while Eve still stood silent knowing Nesta would have something to say- she had a way with words just like Eve but was more vocal with it, no matter what the situation. Rhys face hardened by a bit. "You were of great help in the war, we want you with us," Feyre added. This time, Eve snorted- but it was out of bitterness. 

"But at what cost?" Eve finally opened her mouth to say, her voice coming hoarse after the stretch of silence. All heads present whipped towards her- surprised she had spoken. Still, no one had an answer for her. Shaking her head when all she received were dumbfounded and guilty looks, Eve nodded. "I will join you, only for the start and to say my part should I feel like it." 

If only to let the world know what they owed her now- what the Lady of Ice and Fire had to go through and overcame. The world had to know how unfair it was- how faulty.

"You too, Nesta. After all, you are the ones who killed the King." Nesta' face darkened. "So what." Feyre blinked at that. "You're our emissary as well. You should be here for this." Finally, Nesta responded, "Do you think it will work—this meeting?" Feyre did not miss a beat, ""I don't know. But I'm willing to try." Feyre offered her hand to Nesta. "I want you here for this. With me." Nesta contemplated before taking her sisters hand before offering hers to Eve, "Lady of Ice and Fire," Nesta urged her. Eve blinked at that- only the Mother had called her that.... Until now. she supposed it was fitting after everything that had occurred.

Eve stared at the outstretched hand and then looked up, at Nesta who simply gave her a nod. Exhaling, she took her hand. Clasped it and after a deep breath, nodded. She would stay for the start only, and after saying her part- if she felt like it- she would leave. The amount of people present had already started to suffocate her. Rhys inclined his head at all three of them before escorting them towards the dais. Cassian followed behind them, stopping near Mor and Amren, just below the rising.

Azriel entered right as Feyre went to stand on the dais along with Rhys and cleared her throat. His attention was snagged by his mate in an instant who stood beside Nesta, her hands folded in front of her, still bloodied but he doubted she cared. She did not see him come in- her attention was snagged by Feyre and the crowd that had gathered to listen and negotiate the treaty. He let himself walk to where his family stood, and positioned himself so that he could protect them, should things go sideways even by a bit.

Eve simply observed the people assembled as Rhys nudged Feyre ahead. "My name is Feyre Archeron. I was once human—and now I am Fae. I call both worlds my home. And I would like to discuss renegotiating the Treaty."

Happy reading and a very happy new year' eve!


the amazing author 

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