16. To reunions

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"There you are, do you know how long I've been searching for you? Ten minutes!" Eve said as she entered the library to find the Shadowsinger sprawled on the couch with a few papers scattered near him.

Az chuckled and sat a bit straighter. "What happened?" he asked her, he could feel her heart racing. "Ok, so I am just going to pull of the band-aid, and then I'll leave you back to whatever you are doing," she seemed to say that more to herself than him.

Az raised his brow and tried giving her his best open expression. To be honest, he himself wanted to talk to her but was held back by his paperwork and the fact that she was busy with Mike. He gestured her to come and sit on the couch as he removed the papers that were scattered. Eve sighed and plopped down.

"Ilikeyou," she said in one breath. Luckily, Az understood. And instead of smiling and doing anything that indicated he reciprocated, he sat stunned. She liked him too. After years of pining after Mor, he never thought anyone would say those words to him instead of rejecting him. "Right," Eve cleared her throat. Of course, he didn't like her back, she thought and started to rise but Az caught her wrist. She refused to make eye contact.

"I do too," Az finally got out and Eve finally looked at him. "Say what now?" Eve blinked, surely she heard him wrong. Az simply chuckled, his eyes dancing along with his shadows and leaned in. Eve's breath hitched but she didn't back up, instead leaned in.

And for the second time, they kissed. This time, it was slow and full of happiness and satisfaction. When they broke apart, Eve was smiling like a mad woman while Az looked dumbstruck. "You have no clue how long I have been waiting to do that," he said and tucked her stray hair behind.

Before Eve could say anything coherent, Az stiffened and his eyes widened to the size of saucers as his shadows started chaotically moving.

"Is everything alright-" Eve started only to be stopped by Az letting out a disbelieving laugh. "Rhysand is back." He caught and swung her in joy while Eve was struck dumbstruck- she had never seen Az this happy or full of emotions.

"That is amazing!" she said. Eve was happy for the Inner Circle. They had waited too long. "Wait, what are you still doing here? Go!" Eve said. "Right, he is back," and with a quick kiss on her cheek, he winnowed, his eyes brimming with joyous tears. Eve ran out the library to tell the good news to Mike.


Rhys cried like he had never before. He was finally home. The word clanged through him- home, with his family. Though his mate was with Tamlin, she was happy. He kept reminding himself that as he tried subduing the pain that had already been built due to her absence. But, he was home, finally. Amarantha is dead, and he is home.

He had winnowed directly to the townhouse where he was met with a shocked Mor who had soon turned hysterical as he told her about Feyre and how much he had missed his Inner Circle. After he had let go of his initial shock, Cassian, Amren and Azriel were there- all teary eyed.

Hugs were exchanged, promises and threats to never to do that again were made, cries of happiness were heard as the Inner Circle long last united.

In all this, Amren had decided to tell Rhys about the two humans a bit later- after he had settled down a bit, Mother knew he was already making plans for the Illyrian camps that had rebelled during his absence. The others agreed as they decided to live in the moment. They will tell him tomorrow, today, let him enjoy his peace with them, let them be a family with no problems or strangers.

They celebrated till the sun went down and the stars shone brightly in the sky. Mor was passed out along with Cassian on the couch. Azriel had already started researching on the rebel camps at Rhys' request and Amren was snoring softly.

Rhys was restless. His mind kept wandering to his mate- he was still in awe of her- his beautiful, resilient mate. Sighing, he left for the House of the Wind. If he couldn't sleep, might as well as visit the House he has been absent from since the past 50 years.

Although, when he reached there, two peculiar scents hit him, one of them being closer to him. Immediately on alert and going through worse-case, almost impossible scenarios, he made his way to one of the rooms that had a huge balcony attached to it. He didn't know what he was expecting- maybe some Fae who had somehow managed to worm past the wards, or a librarian from the lower levels, but he certainly hadn't been expecting a human.... Humming a tune. In hindsight, his next actions were a bit over the top and powered by past experiences and paranoia that this female was there to harm his court somehow. He let his powers roil within him and struck.

Mike was getting them coffee. Sure, the House could provide it, but actually going to the kitchens and get it was a semblance of home and so they followed that ritual. Eve hummed as she watched the stars twinkle, comparing it with the NYC skyline. In one blink and next, she was being held against the wall- choked. Darkness swelled around her as she met a pair of the most mesmerizing violet eyes. "Who are you?" Violet eyes demanded as she wrestled against his grip. "E- eve."

Rhysand pried into her mind, making her flinch a little. This must be Rhysand. Damn lack of oxygen, shit, oh fuck, he is strong. He heard her thoughts. "How do you know my name?" He snarled. Oh, other than the fact that the Inner Circle told me, ok, I can't speak shit. Wait, how did he know that I know his name, they never told me about his powers, how is he able to read my mind, wait- is he reading my mind?

"Daemati, how do you know the Inner Circle?" Rhysand asked, loosening his grip and letting his powers die down a bit. Eve coughed, and before she could say something a voice shouted, "Rhys let her go!" Azriel, he sighed and stepped away, letting the human girl take the full support of the wall. He trusted Az; if he said let her go, it probably meant she was no harm. He stopped invading her thoughts too.

Az had been on his way to meet Eve after he had finished doing his job. But, he was not ready to be met with a panicked Rhysand, choking Eve and most likely infiltrating her mind. He didn't think he had ever been this terrified- this definitely came in his top 5 terrifying moments.

"Are you alright?" Az asked and kneeled down to where Eve was barely standing. "Fine," she managed to croak out. After a few moments of stretched silence Eve rose up again. "Hello, I am Eve, a human from another realm who ended up here along with her best friend Mike. We mean no harm," she extended her hand towards Rhys who hesitantly shook it.

Rhys was in partial awe of this female who hadn't balked at his sight yet, instead was patiently shaking his hand after he had choked her.

Az saw the now red bruise on her neck and sighed; irritated. It wasn't Rhys' fault but Eve had ended up getting hurt due to him.

"I am sorry," Rhys told her, guiltily. She waved him off. You all have some explaining to do, he said to Az. Az nodded, later.

"Here Eve, one hot choco-" Mike came into view and stopped short. His gaze went straight to Eve's neck and his eyes widened. "Evie what-" "Just socializing," she said and only then did he register the two males. "Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court," Eve said. Mike nodded.

Rhys wanted answers and he wanted them now. "I am sorry- again. I will talk to you both tomorrow morning, I have someone who is waiting for me," Rhys said. Oh, he needed a chat with his Inner Circle.

Eve nodded. "Goodnight," and with that left with Mike and a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

Az sighed, "Townhouse?" "Townhouse," Rhys confirmed and they left again, into the night. 

Happy reading :) 


the amazing author

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