41. Quality time

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Eve got up to hard muscle. Groaning, she opened her eyes and found herself staring at Az' handsome face. His jawline was one of a kind and he looked so peaceful at the moment- softly snoring. His shadows were content beside him, though a few had made their way towards Eve. She fought back the urge to run her fingers through his hair.

Eve didn't know how long she had been observing Az, but she did stop when she heard the door open to reveal Cassian. Az got up pretty quick at the sound, covering Eve with his wing. But he let loose of his sharp, battle-ready stance when he saw it was only Cassian.

"Well, well, look what we have here," Cassian whistled, smiling widely. Az gave out a growl while Eve blushed a bit. "Why Cass, never seen two friends enjoy each other's company?" Eve asked. Cassian smirked, "have. What I haven't seen is Az enjoying himself like this." Cassian winked at them.

It was true though. Az was a completely different person when he was with her and Cass was in awe of it. His brother who never spoke much seemed to shine with Eve, seemed to have topics of conversation to indulge her into, and there was always the fact that his shadows went to her whenever she was near. And those were just overt observations.... if you looked a bit closer one would say Az had come to adore every part of Eve who seemed to keep him on top of the world. 

He was happy for him.

Az glared at Cassian and let a few shadows go and pinch him. "Ow! Rhys is waiting in the hallway," he grumbled before his mischievous posture returned, "wait till he hears about this." And with that he ran out.

"CASS!" Az shouted after him- he didn't want him to spread rumours in case Eve felt uncomfortable. As, even if they had been something before.. he was not sure where they stood now nor did he want to ask in case it seemed like he was pressurizing her. He also did not want her to worry that smart mind of hers just because he wanted them to be an 'us'. But all that panic left him when he heard her sweet laughter from beside him. He turned to watch her. She must have felt his gaze as she stopped rather quickly and stared back.

"We have unfinished conversation." He told her.

Eve nodded, "maybe later, when you and I aren't needed somewhere. Go change, Spymaster, I will meet you in the hallway, I have to start getting ready for my daily training too." Az' eyes darkened when she called him Spymaster with that soft yet slightly commanding tone of hers. He vaguely nodded and left- her scent leaving a small trace on him, intoxicating him.


Training was over quickly that day- or maybe, Eve had finally taken full control of her powers and thus, felt much better than she had in days. She was yet to discover the bottom of her energy pit- previously, she had gotten tired due to controlling and adjusting to it, but now, as she had mastered it, she was eager to learn just how much 'bam' she had in store.

Tomorrow, they would leave for the Dawn Court. Nesta had still not changed her mind, leaving Eve all by herself. She hoped Nesta would come though- people needed to hear their story, they themselves needed to tell their story. Eve was afraid that after the war, if Nesta continued how she was, she would shut down everyone completely- even her.

At the moment, she waited in the foyer for Az to arrive. He had sent a note telling her to meet him there when she was enjoying some quality time with Nesta- reading in the deepest corner of the house. Someone had been playing music in the streets which made them both find shelter deeper within the townhouse. Nesta couldn't stand the music as it reminded her of dancing- such a mundane thing now, while it made Eve's heart ache for Mike.

"Hey," Az appeared out of his shadows. Eve gave him a strained smile- her mind still replaying the melancholy music she had heard only a few hours back. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Az asked her when she didn't greet him with the same smile she always did. Eve shrugged and went forward to take his extended hand. Az let his shadows coil around her as they walked down the streets.

"Bakery or the music corner?" Az asked her. He hadn't seen her enjoy music in a long time- maybe it would help her heal .... if she let it.

"Flying?" Eve asked instead. Az nodded. Taking her in her arms, with one mighty flap, he flew upwards. "Make me forget," Eve told him. Her voice sounded so brittle that Az' heart ached. "Tell me what happened first," he countered. Eve looked at him for a minute and when he did not break her eye contact, she sighed, knowing he wouldn't stop pestering her till she told him. He knew her well.

"The battle. And then, I heard music after so long and it reminded me of how things were before the Cauldron and I- I missed him so profoundly at the moment that it hurt. I can't remove the sight of the dead child whom I couldn't save during the battle. I also don't know what to make of the fact that I killed. I took lives without an ounce of regret," Eve admitted slowly.

Az silently contemplated before replying, "the first battle is always the hardest. But, one gets better at handling it after some time. As for the lives you took- you saved many more by doing so. Hybern has to be stopped and you are helping us do that- you protected and defended the innocents- there is nothing to regret about that." He stopped and looked at her, making sure she believed him. When she nodded and lay her head on his shoulders, he continued.

"You can't save everyone Eve; you tried your best and that is enough. And when the time comes, we will make Hybern pay for that child's life and many more." Eve gulped. Tightening his grip on her waist, he said, "as for as singing and music- one day you will get there." He said softly. "One day you will sing again and it won't hurt as much. One day you will enjoy the rhythm of it and it might become your connection with Mike, who I know would want you to be happy. And till that day comes, we all are here with you. I am here for you."

Tears welled in her eyes. His shadows made sure she did not fall as he moved his hands to wipe the oncoming tears.  

Happy reading :)


the amazing author 

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