32. Training

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Rhys stood stumped. She said it so casually- dying. "She said that whatever happened in the Cauldron, it is making your body react against itself. And that is also the reason you are getting seizures.. and if we don't do something about it then..." he trailed off seeing Eve's bored expression.

Rhys followed Madja outside. Stopping a considerable distance from Eve's room, Madja let out a sigh. "She needs help, a lot of help. After she changed from the Cauldron, her body went through a lot of... modifications. I did an evaluation of her. Her body is convulsing due to the fact that her powers have not yet settled in and taking Faebane has only delayed the inevitable for her. Worse is, she is addicted to it now and if we don't do something soon... I don't know what might happen. She is weak- I doubt she eats or sleeps as much as required for the body to go on." Rhys gulped.

"Keep an eye on her, High Lord. She needs all the help she can get or she might just fade away."

Eve sighed; she already knew this. "The healer in Spring court already told me. The things that happened in Cauldron is something I do not plan on telling anybody soon. And my body is reacting because the Cauldron thought it would be fun to give me contrasting powers- fire and ice. And that is why I have been taking potions and Faebane- they help."

"I can help... let us help. If things go as it is... we don't know how long you will be able to survive," Rhys offered.

"Train my powers, that is the only thing I care about, I want to be able to use them when I face Hybern again. I do not care what happens after that," Eve said, her eyes revealing no emotion other than determination.

"We care," Rhys replied, his eyes burning her.

"The only reason that I had to take Faebane was as there was no one to train me and help me control my powers but, as that is about to change, I really don't see why you are so worried..."

"We start now," Rhys said- it was a statement. "Lead the way then," Eve said.

As they made their way, Rhys saw Eve's demeanor change. She walked a bit straighter- as if going to a war. He didn't even have to try to pry her mind; she was practically screaming the words 'only for time-being I have to act as if I am not broken, move my ass and train so that what needs to be done is done. If they see me, I might not be able to continue to train and then they will make me stop. I will not fail this time' inside her head. He felt incredibly sad for the woman walking beside him.

They made their way towards the grounds where Az and Cassian where still training. "Do you two do anything other than train?" Eve asked when the silence got too much for her as the thoughts got louder. Banter like how we once had.

They instantly stopped their duel. "Why? You have something in mind for us?" Cassian asked after a few seconds, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He was surprised Eve was here, talking willingly with them. He would be damned if he just stood stumped like Az was beside him.

Eve snorted. "Yes, go fall into a ditch." "You wound me," he replied sadly, putting his hand over his heart, but his smile gave him out. This was Eve, she was sarcastic, borderline mean at times, and playful. And she was trying.

"Someone has to put a stop to that cockiness of yours," she said and turned to where Az stood still. "Hey," she said a bit softly- he probably saw through her after all, his shadows were for that very reason. Cass watched them with amusement.

Az shook his head, coming out of his stupor, "hi," he said cautiously. He had been surprised when his shadows informed him that Eve was coming down with Rhys. He hadn't dare believe them until he saw her waltz in. She looked a bit better than she had this morning- less pale and wary. Maybe the visit to Nesta had helped her. He needed to talk to her soon... alone. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" he asked.

"Rhysand is helping me train my newly acquired powers."

"Rhys," Rhys corrected her. She ignored him. "Thought we'd start now."

Seeing that Az had lost his ability to say anything, Rhys loudly clapped his hands. "Right, we should get started then, Feyre will join us in some time." Eve turned her back towards Az as she looked at Rhys and nodded.

"Concentrate Eve," Rhys said for the fifth time. Az and Cassian had stopped fighting long ago and were now watching him train Eve.

"I am!" Eve huffed. "It isn't my fault you are a shitty teacher," she muttered under her breath but everyone heard it. Rhys scoffed while Az and Cassian snorted.

"Well, I am the best shot you got..."

"Ok," Rhys sighed, "Let's try a different approach. Close your eyes." Eve looked at him with annoyance before closing her eyes. "Now imagine your skin is thrumming with energy."

"I don't have to imagine it," Eve muttered, frowning. In fact, her energy went trying to ignore that energy but here she was- trying to feel it on Rhys' instructions.

"Ok, now imagine a small chunk of it meeting on your palm and forming a sort of a ball." Eve hummed in confirmation after she did so. "Now, with all your focus, try to aim it towards the tree in front of you," Eve opened her mouth to ask a question but Rhys cut her off, "just imagine a tree in your mind placed in front of you and throw it," he said soothingly. Eve nodded and imagined a tree in front of her being hit by the same power the Cauldron had given her. She felt a weird sensation pass her hands but kept her eyes shut.

"Fuck," she heard someone say- Cassian probably. Eve opened her eyes at that and looked in awe at the scene in front of her. The tree was ash, the tall tree that had been there for god knows how long was now a pile of ash with a small tinder still burning. The space between the now gone tree and her was covered in ice. Eve could probably skate on it.

"Fire and ice. No wonder you are having trouble controlling them both and adjusting to your new body.. fuck," Cass swore, running a hand through his hair.

Eve felt a headache coming and sat down on the ground. Az quickly went and brought her a glass of water, still not saying a word.

"This method is good," Eve commented after a minute. Rhys chuckled, "yeah. Feyre is going to be here in any second. I feel she might be able to help you better since she has the similar powers." Eve nodded.

"Are you alright?" Az said, saying something for the first time. Eve looked at him with an unreadable expression and nodded, "am."

"You want to try that again?" Rhys asked. Eve nodded, getting up. Well, she tried to get up and fell back down feeling dizzy. Az crouched down, putting a hand on her back for support. His shadows seem to stay away these days from her. "Just a second," she muttered.

"No." he said. "We are going back to your room- or mine, I don't care, but you are resting." Rhys and Cass looked at him in shock but Az ignored them - he never let anyone into his room. "I am not fragile, I will be fine," Eve gritted. "No, you aren't but, you need to rest now, that was quite a show you put." He replied.

Eve tried getting up, ignoring Az but her body started shivering followed by sweats. Sighing, she gave up. "Your room," she answered looking at the ground. She hated this.

Az compiled. He was relieved she let him help her even when he knew she hated it- hated looking weak (in her view. According to him, she was nothing short of amazing and strong).

Cass watched them go, his eyes a bit hopeful. "Maybe, they will help each other," he said softly. "Maybe," Rhys echoed the sentiment, worry creasing his forehead for the female he had come to care about. His heart ached for Mike- Mother knew how Eve was doing. 

I wanna take a sec and thank all the people who have given my story a try.... means a ton

Happy reading :)


the amazing author 

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