9. Prank war

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It had been a few weeks since Mor told Eve about her secret. Somehow, telling her was easier than telling the Inner Circle. Eve had assured her that they wouldn't blame her for not telling sooner but Mor still refused. Eve dropped it after the second try.... She knew better than to push Mor or anyone who wasn't ready for that matter. They had gotten closer though.

Mike was sitting in the dining hall along with Cass and Azriel when they heard a yelp. The two Illyrians were on their feet in an instant, the breakfast forgotten. Mike remained in his place and chuckled. Cass raised a brow and at that very moment a very, very enraged Eve came into view.

All three had a different reaction. Mike smirked, smug at the fact that his plan was a success. Cassian dropped his sword and started laughing. Azriel's lips twitched as his eyes widened. Standing near the doorway was a blonde-haired Eve. And boy, that color did not suit her hair one bit.

"Michael Jones Pears, you are a dead, dead man," she said, pointing a finger at him and walking very slowly. Mike gulped. Well shit. He ran behind Cassian and used him as a shield.

Before Eve could launch herself on Cassian and Mike, Az caught her from behind. His arms sliding across her waist, holding her in place. "Let me go," she hissed at him but Az simply shook his head. "Mike, blonde, really! Of all colors," she exclaimed, knowing that there was no way out of Az' grip.

Mike shrugged, "did you forget what today is?" "The day I murder you?" Eve tried. Az chuckled. Mike simply shook his head, disappointed. "Today is the start of the prank war!" Eve's eyes widened with realization. With all the drama going on, she had forgotten. Prank war! Ever since they had been in 9th grade, they had a six-days prank war. The seventh day ended with Mike's birthday. "Oh," Eve's demeanor changed from one of anger to one full of mischief, "you are on Pears."

"Elaborate," Cassian said as Mike stepped beside him. Az, seeing that Eve wasn't going to attack her best friend let go of her. Eve frowned; she missed his warmth. This thought itself made her go red and she gave Mike her panic eyes as she hit a realization; she might, kind of like Azriel.

Clearing her throat, she started, "prank war lasts for six days, on the seventh, we celebrate Mike's birthday. It started when Mike challenged my creativeness to pull pranks, we only stopped as his birthday had come, I got two detentions from school and Mike got shouted by his mother after he 'accidentally' set the fire alarm causing chaos in the whole school. It became a tradition after that."

"We are.. frenemies for the week. We only have one major rules- don't do anything that will make the other person sick or cause their death or anyone else's," Mike said and Eve nodded solemnly.

"This is going to be a fun week," Az commented. "You bet," she said. She gestured at her eyes than Mike's, "I will be watching you like a hawk Pears, watch out."

"Bring it on Evans," Mike smirked. Oh, this was going to be one hell of a week.


"Why are we whispering?" Cass asked Eve (now back to her normal black hair color) who told him to keep his mouth shut. Cass grumbled but complied. Currently, he was helping Eve set up traps- the next time someone entered the room, they would be given a free, colorful bath. It was the second day of the prank war.

They heard someone walking towards the door. "Shit, ok hide," Eve said and went inside the huge closet. Cass followed.

"... took Cassian. So, you and Mor should team up with me," Mike's voice came as he stepped into the room. He was followed by Az who didn't look so convinced about the idea.

Three whole seconds passed and then, hell exploded. Az' shadows hadn't even warned him before he got splashed by dozens of balloons filled with colorful water. By the end of it, him and Mike were drenched in multi-colors. Eve and Cassian came into view and burst laughing at Mike's scared expression and Az' disgusted one. "This was brand new leather," Az commented. "Shit sorry," Eve replied not looking even remotely sorry.

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