62. Come back to me

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The room watched in silence as the Spymaster and Shadowsinger of the Night Court became more frantic than they have ever seen him to be. They stood helpless, tears falling down some faces while some others had a sad look in their eyes. Pity and sorrow.

After a few dreaded seconds where Az stood still, concentrating only on the bond to do the work, the Cauldron started thrashing. The liquid inside started bubbling and a faint cough was heard. Immediately, Az was near the female as she put her hand out, gripping the rim of the Cauldron so tightly that her knuckles had gone white.

Eve gasped as she came out. Someone held her by her waist as she completely collapsed- all her energy she had dissipating. The answer Mother had given was still fresh in her mind as she fell to the ground and puked. Only after a few minutes, was she able to get hold of her surroundings.

She blinked a few times, before getting adjusted to the bright light here, contrary to the darkness she had been subjected to when she was in the Cauldron. Her eyes met concerned, frantic and bright hazel orbs, staring at her unblinkingly. "Water," Eve somehow, miraculously called out before darkness took over once again. One of his shadows dashed out to get a glass of water while the others wrapped themselves around Eve, protectively and comfortingly

"Mate," Azriel whispered as he held Eve. And even though he said it softly, Helion, Mor, Rhys and Feyre heard him. Rhys took a sharp intake of breath, Mor eyes widened in shock and Helion smiled faintly- the first sign of light after the war. Feyre seemed to be the only one who still had the mind to hold the glass which Amren had acquired from somewhere and bend down to where Az and Eve lay.

Az growled when he saw Feyre appear- he could not help it, it was instinct, especially now when Eve' state was so .... depleted. "Water she asked for," Feyre said softly and waited. After a second when Az nodded, Feyre put the lid near her mouth and made her swallow.

Her eyes fluttered as the water energized her a bit but she did not open her eyes. Az simply lay there, his wings protecting them both, waiting for her to regain consciousness. He needed- no, it did not matter what he needed, only Eve mattered and her wants and needs. Sending a prayer to the Mother, he waited and waited.

It had been some time now since the Cauldron settled down and everyone took a breath of relief. One by one people left to tend to their own, leaving behind the Inner Circle and the sisters whose eyes remained on Eve. No one commented on the tattoo that was inked on Eve' right hand and how it looked similar to what was on Rhys.

After another few minutes, Rhys finally cleared his throat, trying to let go of the guilt and sorrow that had accumulated in the past few minutes he had spent worrying over Eve. Yes, she was breathing normally but she was not awake. Yet, how much ever he wanted to, he could not stay here. Cassian had to visit the infirmary and he himself had to tend to his soldiers and court.

"I will take Cass to the healer," he said finally. Az did not even spare him a glance while others nodded. Feyre followed him along with her sisters to bury their father- a pang at that too.

Only Amren, Mor and Az remained. Amren tried as she might, could not help the tears that had now silvered her eyes. Eve had saved her in there, along with Rhys and she knew, there had to be some cost or some game the Cauldron might have made her play. Her respect for Eve increased. She squeezed the Shadowsinger' shoulders once before leaving, gesturing Mor to do the same who gave Az one fleeting glance before trudging after Amren.

Az needed to be with Eve now, alone.

"Wake up," he said softly, cradling her head. Eve' eyes fluttered but she did not open them. "Eve," Az pleaded now, tears brimming in his eyes. Still, she did not open her eyes but her hand twitched, giving him a bit of hope. "I don't know if you can hear me but, I am sorry," he whispered to her. She did not reply. Putting his head down in defeat, Az finally stood up, his leathers red and black, and while holding Eve as close as could to his chest, he made his way to the healer's tent.

He was halfway there when Eve stirred. Moaning, she opened her eyes to be met with bright light and a very still Az who was holding her in a death grip. Eve opened her mouth to say something but, no words came out- she was so very tired.

Az monitored her every breathe. She was awake. Her mouth opened and closed but no sound came, her body sagged and her eyes- they broke his soul into pieces. "How can I help?" he finally asked from the millions of questions that now surged his mind. Eve blinked at him once, her face expressionless, before turning her head and looking at the cliffside which overlooked the battlefield.

Az followed her line of sight and shook his head. "The battlefield isn't cleaned up yet, it will take days to do so." Indeed, the sight was nauseating and soldiers still lay there, waiting as the healers came to carry them to the tent one by one.

Eve did not acknowledge his concern with words or look. She simply pointed at the place once. Az gulped as he realised he would not hear her speak, not any time soon. So, he took her to the cliffside and on her wishes, placed her gently on the ground. She did not thank him, nor did she give him a glance, her eyes trained on the sun that would soon set over the horizon.

Az could not help but look away from the sight. It hurt physically to watch her like that. But, he could not do anything now- no, he had failed to protect her once again. The self-loathing made another huge mark on him as he let his shadows go near Eve, but not near enough to suffocate her. He did not know what he could say to remove that haunted look from her eyes, so, with one last look at her, head hung in shame, he walked away with an ashamed spirit, giving Eve the privacy she needed.

His mate- who deserved so much better. 

Happy reading :) 

A few (2)chaps lefttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Have decided to name book 2 - 'Battle scars- when the dust settles' (cool or not?)


the amazing author 

who auditioned in a singing thing today in front of everyone (impulsively) and sucked so bad. Still, it is a group thing for this Foundation day of the institute and there were only 8 people present so circumstantially got in..... And even thought it was a bit oh fuck this sucked, I didn't regret it as it never hurts to try something new and good and well.... who doesn't like to sing? 

Long rant short..... don't let the idea that you might suck or fail stop you from doing things you like or want to try 

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