37. Blazing high

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Az had gone to the human lands in search for the youngest human queen by Rhys' order. His efforts were in vain as neither his shadows nor he himself was able to find anything. While stopping by a nearby inn the Night Court, waiting for his spies to come and give him information, his thoughts went to Eve. 

Ever since she had come back Fae, he felt more drawn towards her- as if she were a magnet and he was being pulled by some kind of tether. It had been like that before too, but now, it was stronger than he cared to admit.

Az was known to fall deeply when he loved someone. He knew he had started loving Eve before she had left for the human lands, though he did not show it. He had known her for more than 2 years now, and she never ceased to amaze him. So, he blamed the pull towards the fact that he wanted to comfort and stay beside her, instead letting his thoughts wander down the road which wasn't made for him like it had been made for Rhysand and Feyre on Mother's blessing.....

Thankfully, before his thoughts took a turn towards self-depreciating, his spies came into view- looking grim.


Eve stared out the balcony as she drank iced tea. The training had been long and she was feeling the exhaustion seeping into her bones. It had been a successful training of both, her magic and physical strength but at the moment, she was regretting her decision to have agreed.

She had been opening up again, bit by bit. It was difficult. Az and Cassian's company helped. So did Bri' but they hardly saw one another that much these days as Eve spent almost every waking hour practicing.

She was focused on it. Honing her powers and trying to act better and .. normal – maybe, after enough pretending, she would return to herself.

A noise came from behind. Eve didn't bother turning- it was probably Cassian. And that was where she had made a mistake- it was not Cassian. She realized this all too late as cold steel met her neck and someone breath down from behind her. She froze for two seconds before the wheels in her brain started turning, thinking for an escape.

"You will pay for what you did," the voice hissed. "Slowly." Eve shuddered at that tone of promise.

There was no way out of the grip of the stranger without hurting herself. Magic it was then. Eve closed her eyes and focused on the buzzing beneath her skin, ignoring the warmth that now tickled down her throat. Taking a deep breath, she burst into flames.

She let the flames encase her. They burned so hot and bright that the knife melted. The fire did not hurt her- no, it only prickled- but the stranger yelped and backed up. Turning, she faced the male. Concentrating, she made the fire encircle the male who could not move. Encased in the circle of flames, he could only whimper and hiss as it burned his flesh a bit.

"Where are you from?" Eve could feel the flames resisting her, she pushed them back. "Hybern." Eve let the flames loose a bit. "How and why?"

"I sneaked with the others who came here looking for the wildcat and the High Lady-" Eve didn't let him finish as she summoned a rod from the House and knocked him down unconscious. She had to find Feyre and Nesta. She stumbled on her way out, a small ember still burning in her hands and was met with Cassian whose eyes widened at her state. She supposed bloodied neck, ragged and burnt clothes were not a normal look for her.

"Feyre and Nesta. Hybern. Now, go." She said and Cassian wasted no time in running to where she supposed they were.

She sighed and walked back to where the unconscious male now lay. She stood in a defensive position, praying others were alright. After five minutes or so, a harrumphed Cassian came into view, holding Nesta, followed by Feyre.

Their eyes widened at her sight but she shrugged them off- Eve was relieved to see they were unharmed and that was enough. Before either one of them could say anything, Az came into view. One moment his eyes met Eve and the next he was beside her, inspecting every inch. "Who?" His voice was deadly calm. Eve bobbed her head to where the male lay unconscious. Az' eyes turned murderous.

"I'm alright," Eve said, running a hand over his arms, calming him. "He sneaked behind me while I was resting- knife to the throat. I burst into flames, scorching him. Said he sneaked out when two others did. The king helped mostly for that I think- they were after Nesta and Feyre. I bashed his head before he could say anything more."

"Impressive," Cassian commented, he was proud at how well she had handled the situation. "Thank you," Eve blushed at the compliment that came from the general and her friend.

"He is dead," Az swore. Eve didn't defend the male- he had it coming. Rhys soon came into view.


After spending some time with the Spymaster in the cells, the male gave up his secrets. He couldn't give them anything useful such as the position of Hybern- the king had some kind of spell due to which every time he opened his mouth to reveal something, he choked up.

But, it turns out he was looking for revenge. The soldiers she had killed from Hybern had been a brother and a best friend. Eve didn't feel anything for him or the soul she had taken while defending herself.

Eve was sitting on the couch cross-legged when Az came into view. His leathers were stiff with what she assumed was blood and Truthteller hung by his side. Eve looked at him- his eyes were haunted and cold, his posture was an exhausted one and his face expressionless. "Dead," he stated and sat down beside her. Eve didn't reply, simply nodded.

"We need to leave for the townhouse soon, Amren is going to hunt as soon as the sun sets," Az said after a bit of silence.

"Soon.. but first, how are you feeling?" Eve asked him.

Az looked at her in disbelief. She had been the one who was attacked, she had been the one left to defend herself all alone again. He had promised he would be there for her in the future and he had broken that promise and yet, she wanted to know how he felt!?

"Az?" Eve looked at him, full of concern. "I'm fine," he replied, not sounding a bit convincing.

Eve sighed; she knew he was lying. She wanted to hug him but didn't know if he would like that, and so, she settled for imploring him with her eyes.

Az sighed, there was no way he could deny her anything when she looked at him with that puppy expression. "I failed you. Again." Eve shook her head in denial. "And you yet aren't angry with me."

"I am not angry as it isn't your fault. I can defend myself; you don't have to worry about me or protect me, Az."

"What if I want to?" He voiced, not knowing where the question came from.

Eve' cheeks tinged a bit. "No one likes worrying. And, if you want me to be alright, then be honest with me- how are you feeling?" He sighed, watching her intently with those hazel eyes she had come to adore. They could heal together.

Instead of answering, he intertwined their hands. His shadows surrounded her, dancing and crooning against her ear as he opened his mouth to tell her. 

Happy reading :)

Today was such a long day... my vacations got over :/


the amazing author 

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