58. Hello friend

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Her blow landed true. It went through the king's heart and blood sputtered from his mouth as he stumbled back. Eve panted- she had finally, finally avenged Mike and so many others. She stood back then and watched as Nesta practiced her promise and twisted the knife in the king' throat.

Panting still, Eve helped Cassian get back on his feet and supported him all the while the silver gleam stayed in Nesta' eyes. "Nesta," Cassian tried to get her attention, tried to get her to return to her normal self. But, she only tilted her head to the side. "Nesta," Eve commanded, letting her power taken form the Cauldron show in her eyes while calling onto Nesta and the power she had taken from the Cauldron. This time, Nesta listened. 

"Help," Eve croaked when she saw her normal eye colour return. Nesta obliged and took Eve' place to hold Cassian up for even though the King was dead, the armies still fought and Prythian still seemed to be on the loosing side.

Holding the King of Hybern' beheaded face, she called onto her power and made wings of fire appear on her back and let wisps of them spread throughout the field. With another boost of will, she shouted so loud that her voice was heard over the clash of steel. "THE KING OF HYBERN IS DEAD! THE KING IS DEAD!" The closest soldiers heard her and turned to see Eve in all her glory, holding his head in the sky.

One by one, they started fleeing the scene but with uplifted motivation, the Prythian soldiers started attacking them.

But, the field was enormous and it would take more time than they had for each and every one to hear her- she felt that utter rage and despair in her chest which she wasn't sure had come from. 

And as Eve contemplated to call onto the Cauldron for help, she sank to the ground.


One moment Nesta held Cassian up with all her strength while Eve held the King's head in the sky in vengeance. The next, Eve had collapsed, her knees hitting the ground. The very next second, Eve had vanished into thin air just as a silver rose from where the King had kept the Cauldron.

"What- Eve? EVE?" Nesta shouted but stopped short when she saw the wings of incandescent white light and gasped.

Cassian and her watched in utter awe as they saw Amren unleash herself onto the armies. She had once told him what would happen if she ever had to go back to being her true self- and she had meant every little gory and terrifying detail. They couldn't do anything as they watched their enemies scream in horror while at some distant Rhys warned his people and his allies to not run from her. Other High Lords, taking the hint, ordered their flank to do the same.

But that didn't explain where Eve had gone.


One moment Eve was about to call onto the Cauldron, the next she was once again in it. Well, that was fast, Eve thought even as her heart started beating fast as the memories of last time came to her mind. Pushing them down harshly, she took a deep breath. She heard a weak chuckle and opened her eyes to see the Cauldron staring at her.

Eve didn't say anything, simply stared back. That is when she felt it- the rumble- and knew Amren had succeeded in unleashing herself.

Hello friend, It purred. She kept quiet. The Cursebreaker unbound me unconsciously while she helped the silver-eyed demon, The Cauldron' voice sounded weak with a hint of anger. 

Does that mean something for this world? Eve finally asked. 

The Cauldron nodded, You do know how to ask the right questions, It mused. I am a part of this realm and it is just as attached to me as I am to it. Eve sucked a breath at that. It will crumble seconds after I do, the Mother connected us at the beginning of time and we will end together now. Eve shook her head violently. No, this couldn't happen- not when the people of this world had suffered so much only to die.

She looked at the Cauldron intently and asked, no, begged. What can I do? Tell me and I will do it. 

The Cauldron chuckled at that. This is why I like you. So selfless, so resilient. This is why the Mother chose you. Eve looked at the Cauldron in confusion. Why did you think I took an interest in you? It asked. Eve shrugged.

Some tapestry of fate bought you to this world. The Mother took to you and so did I. You managed to impress us. It is a rare occurrence that has only happened few times since the beginning of time... and even then, they all came willingly and yet, didn't fare as you did. You fought back, you survive- even when you were Changed, you did not give up in the end. So resilient. Even after coming from a such a different and diverse realm against your own will, you... fit here.

Mike was bought here too by the same fate. Why didn't you save him? Was he not good enough? Eve spat

The Cauldron instead of snarling like she had expected, gave her a sad smile. Sadly, we do not interfere with worldly matters... at least, not willingly. His death was a tragedy. Eve didn't react. The Cauldron sighed; we have a proposition for you.

We? Eve tilted her head.

The Mother and I. 

A short filler before more shit goes down.... Happy reading :)


the amazing author 

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