61. A game of choice (part 3)

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Rhys opened his eyes to his mate' tear-streaked face. Taking a deep breath, he felt the mating bond once again and tucked at it once making Feyre gasp in relief. Only then did he orient himself to the rest of his surroundings.

The High Lords all but surrounded him and his Inner Circle were in pieces. He felt the tinkling of powers that weren't his heal him and leave back to the owners who had helped him. "You lot will be pleased to know ... My power remains my own. No thieving here." He finally rasped out, half of his body still taking Feyre' support who had gripped him tightly.

"You do know how to make an entrance," Helion drawled. "Or should I say exit?" "You're horrible," Viviane snapped. "That's not even remotely funny-" The others bickered in the background but Rhys attention went back to his mate who still had a dazed and broken look in her eyes.

"This is real," he said kissing her brow, knowing she was still in shock. "And—there's another surprise." Everyone looked at him in anticipation. "Someone fish out dear Amren before she catches a cold."

"How," Feyre asked in wonder. Rhys smiled at her, "Eve-"

"Where is she?" Az voice asked- above all the chatters and questions thrown towards him. Amren, still coughing as Varian held her, answered, "she helped us come back. She-" Amren turned towards the Cauldron and gulped. "She was supposed to be right behind us." No, Rhys thought, No, she was right behind them- she had said so herself- if anything happened....

Az wings ripped out as he gave out a choked cry and fell to the ground. Mor rushed to where he was now on the ground, barely holding up, when he managed his next question, "what happened?" His voice had turned cold and so quiet that no one dared move or speak.

"WHERE IS SHE? EVE!" he shouted but to no avail. For no soul, no life seemed to stir in the vessel and the Cauldron stood ever silent- not giving up anything.


Get up, the voice hissed. Eve only wailed in response. She was so tired- she did not want to get up. Get up Eve, you have much to live for. Eve let out a choked cry at that- there was nothing left for her to be happy with or for. There was nothing left. She had nothing to give nor to take- she had nothing to life for. The war as done- Prythian had won and her friends were safe- she could go, if she wanted.

You could, but your friends need you. But more than that, you need them. You are Fae now- you will live a long life and will be happy again if you make the decision to go back. Get up, Eve. Your family awaits you. Get up, Lady of Ice and Fire. Get up.

Eve slowly looked up. Lady of Ice and Fire.

She felt someone tugging at her heart, urging- no, demanding her to get up. The pull was so strong that she did. She stumbled as she rose and saw the way back to the living fading bit by bit.

"I will be happy?" Eve asked with the innocence and wonder of a child.

You will face dangers and trails again but, yes, you can be happy if you give yourself a chance, the voice whispered. And her tone was so factual that Eve believed her. Had it been any more inspirational or soft, Eve might not had taken that one step towards the portal.

Happiness- the word clouded her mind. She held onto her still beating heart and let herself walk ahead- following the tug in her heart.

Before taking the last step, she stopped. "Will there be a price for all that has been done?" Eve asked, not looking behind. There was a pause before the dreaded answer came.


Az had never been this terrified in life. Eve was not to be seen and there was no trace that she was even alive. Snarling at Rhys and Amren for leaving her behind and last- he stalked towards the Cauldron, ready to jump in.

It was simple really. He loved her with all his heart, mind, body and soul- and he would be a fool if he gave up on her without trying, no matter how idiotic his actions seemed to others.

Before he was able to hoist himself up into the Cauldron, someone held him, keeping him from Eve. He snarled and thrashed and attacked them- along with his shadows who seemed just as frantic and angry to be kept away from the woman they had come to adore.

The others watched in shock and concern as Az became more and more frantic and angry. Never in Rhys' hundreds of years as High Lord had Az ever done anything remotely like that- attacked his family and snarled at them with eyes full of unending rage and panic. Gone frantic as he was now. 

But, he watched as Az suddenly became still in their hold.

Az stood as still as a statue for the second the Mother granted him the one thing he had always craved for but had forgotten about when he met Eve- his want for a mate. Az was barely being able to breathe as his chest tightened and a string was pulled thin.

He knew then; it was Eve. His love and his mate.

And his mate was now inside the Cauldron. 

With renewed motive, he bellowed a cry of fury even as tears started forming in his eyes and started struggling once again. It took everything in Mor, Helion, Rhys and Feyre to hold him back from jumping in to safe her and be with her.

"Azriel, she will be right back," someone said but he paid no heed. What did they know? They had been the ones who had left her back there in the merciless Cauldron.

He felt his chest tighten a bit more. Sagging to his feet, he cried out for her, pulling on their bond to guide her. He calmed a bit when some deep-rooted instinct told him that his mate was coming back from the Cauldron- coming back to him.

Rhys, teary-eyed, watched as his brother became more and more frenzied- the expressions clear as day on his face. He himself was tired and worn, thus, could do little to nothing to help Eve. Was she dead? - he rid himself of such thoughts just as quickly they had come, forcing himself to believe that Eve was fine. She had to be- she had said she was right behind them- she will come out, any moment now. Yes- he couldn't bear thinking anything else. 

Happy reading :) 


the amazing author 

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