54. Burn the world down

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 "You are barking mad," Eve shook her head. The Cauldron. Fae. Prythian. Mike. It was getting too much too fast.

"Guards, take her. We will thank Hybern later," the queen said, satisfied when she saw the girl had finally started showing signs of terror. Good, she should suffer; she was favoured by the Cauldron when herself - a queen- hadn't.

"No!" Eve shouted, struggling against their hold. All this time, she had stood there and gleaned information from the queen- now, it was time to run.

So, she did what she had wanted to since she stepped into this camp- set it on fire.


Az' came onto a completely chaotic scene. At least seven tents were on fire, soldiers were running in every direction and the king was shouting orders whilst standing and protecting the Cauldron.

He let his shadows spread out. Normally, a fire this large and blazing would bring back awful memories, but right now, his only thought was of Eve. Two came back, reporting her to be in the east side. He had never run quicker.

He found her panting near the edge of the cliff with seven guards advancing on her. "I swear to God, I will castrate the lot of you," she seemed to mutter under her breath before readying two ice daggers, her eyes burning blue and red. But, she didn't get a chance to do anything as Az sent his shadows on the first three guard and killed the other four himself, his eyes dancing with fury.

One look at him and she stumbled ahead. He caught her and held her close to his chest, breathing rapidly. Sweat ran from her forehead, she was shivering and blood ran from her cut lip and right and left arm. "I am here," he said before opening his wings to fly away from here.

Halfway across the wards of Hybern, arrows flew in the sky, made of ashwood. Eve' eyes widened and she gave a shout of warning to him but, he was already ahead of her. Flying in a zig zag pattern, he increased his already fast pace. Only twenty feet left.

An arrow found its mark on his left wing and he gave out a cry of pain but continued nevertheless. Ten feet. Another arrow whizzed past him, missing Eve by inches. His fury knew no bounds. Covering Eve with his own shadows, he took arrows to his lower abdomen. Three feet. Two. One. Az blasted through Hybern' shield with all his strength.


He did not let go of her till they reached the healer' tent. "I am fine," Eve snapped at the healer with such annoyance that the healer took a step back. One more glare had them leave the tent muttering something about a tonic for sleep.

"You should let them check on you," Az said, his eyes still holding fury, standing on the end of her cot.

"What happened? Did they- are you alright?" Rhys asked Eve, sitting beside her cot.

"I am fine," Eve rolled her eyes. "Did you know I could winnow?" They all blinked at that. "Apparently I can in life and death situations without practice beforehand."

"You shouldn't have been in such a situation in the first place," Rhys muttered, his voice full of guilt. "I am not supposed to be in this world either, yet here I am, aren't I?" Eve snapped back. Rhys recoiled a bit. "Sorry," Eve muttered, noticing the unreadable look in Rhys' eyes.

"They would rather I be Nesta- at least that's what the commander of Hybern said to me." Eve gritted her teeth and stopped talking. Rhys, Az, Mor, and others waited patiently for her to continue, giving her space and time.

"Just this once," Eve said finally, looking at Rhys who tilted his head in confusion. "Just this once I will let you in my mind to see today's events first hand and you can share it with others." Rhys nodded before his eyes glazed along with everyone else' in the room.

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