40. The aftermath

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"I will be fine," Eve told him softly. She was to go back to Velaris while he stayed back, tending to the wounds of the soldiers and finding what would be Hybern' move next. And although he was happy Eve would be inside Velaris' walls- safe, he wished he were there with her.

"Az?" Eve pressed. Blinking, he nodded his head. "Stay safe," she said and with one last forced smile, she winnowed away with Feyre and Mor. He stared at the place she had been moments before. He wanted to be there for her, after her first battle- and yet, he was instead acting as spymaster.

He wondered how she would feel once the numbness had gone. Horrible for sure. With renewed energy, he went back to his work. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could see Eve and make sure she was alright. She had just started opening up again, he would be damned if this battle made her crawl back into the shell again.


Eve sat silently as Madja inspected the wound on her stomach and collarbone. Azriel had made her promise she would go and see Madja once she was in Velaris- Eve had agreed only when Az had promised to eat and rest for some time.

"You will be fine in a day's time. The wound is superficial," the healer said after a close inspection. "Thank you," Eve replied. Madja gave her a nod and left, soon followed by Nesta who had not said a word to Eve since they had arrived.

Feyre and Mor were busy with what Eve assumed was the aftermath of the war.

Slowly getting up, Eve made her way towards the bathroom. She needed a long bath to remove the filth that coated her now.

As water filled the tub, she couldn't help but compare it with the blood red waters of Adriata. Eve wondered if they were back to their normal colour or were still mixed with blood of countless soldiers.

Only when she submerged herself into the tub did the events hit her. She had killed. A sob escaped her as the scene replayed in her mind. Another when she they had been too late to save a child's life in one of the streets. Another sob came out when Eve ran an eye along her body which was coated and crusted with mud and blood. Oh God, she felt like vomiting.

She ran and threw up in the toilet. Once. Twice. Thrice. God, she felt so weak and appalled.

Someone was knocking at the door. "EVE?" a female's voice asked. Eve retched. "Give me few minutes," she coughed up.

"Five minutes," the voice said and she heard receding footsteps.

After a long time, she finally made it out, feeling much better than she had before. Now clean with no food in her stomach and baggy eyes, she made her way to the dining hall where Nesta sat.

"I didn't die," Eve finally offered and Nesta gave her the tiniest of smiles before handing her some bread without any preamble.

Elain entered the room- surprising Eve who hadn't seen her since three days. They still hadn't talked and Eve wasn't sure how to approach her. Amren followed, her head into an ancient book. She gave Eve one sweep of glance before giving a satisfying grunt and placing herself near the window.

"How is the practice going?" Eve asked them. "She learns at a good pace," Amren said. Nesta sat a bit straighter- either offended or proud at Amren's compliment. Eve couldn't decide.

"Amren- is there any way I can go back to my world now?" Eve asked abruptly albeit a bit hesitantly. "This is your world now, girl," she replied- not coldly but with a bit of softness- surprising her. Eve nodded, she had suspected so- she was stuck here now... for better or worse.

Eve slid back her chair. "Thank you for your honesty. I am going to go rest for some time though," and with that she left- her spine tingling as the two pair of eyes watched her go.


Later that day, when Az had still not returned, Eve was spending time with Nesta. Nesta kept looking at the door, making Eve shake her head. "He will be back soon, he is alright you know," Eve offered knowing Nesta wouldn't ask. "I didn't ask," she replied, her voice expressionless. "But you were thinking about it so loud that it was getting really annoying," Eve said, her lips tilting up a bit.

Nesta scoffed. "As if you aren't thinking about the Shadowsinger." Eve smiled at this, "changing the subject I see." Nesta smiled for a quick second before reassuming her scary look.

After a few minutes, Nesta initiated another topic of conversation. "Why did you go to battle?"

Eve looked up at this. "For Mike, and, because it was what felt right. The battle Nesta- it was- it was utter chaos and so much bloodshed, I- Hybern needs to be stopped." Eve gulped. Nesta merely nodded, her eyes revealing she was deep in thought, saying nothing.


Az was exhausted by the time he reached the townhouse. Eve was there- his shadows had informed him. Dragging his feet, he went and knocked on her door. It swung open to reveal a grumpy Eve whose expression quickly changed to pleasant surprise when she saw him.

"I thought you wouldn't be back till morning," she said halfway through a yawn.

"I finished early," he replied. Eve didn't need to know he had drunk more coffee than that healthy to finish all his work so that he could come and spend few hours with her undisturbed. "Well, come on in then." She waved him over to her bed and Az compiled.

She opened her mouth to speak after they both settled themselves on the bed but a yawn came out instead. Az felt guilty then- she had been about to sleep when he came knocking over. "Maybe we will talk tomorrow, you need rest, I can see you later," he suggested even though he did not want to leave. "Nooo," she complained, "stay." He smiled at that- she looked adorable.

Eve snuggled near him after asking for his permission- which he gave. Taking in her scent, he closed his eyes next to her, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Sometime during the night, their hands found one another. 

Happy reading :)


the amazing author 

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