57. Just like fire

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Nesta called onto her power and Eve could feel its dominance. She felt her body want to kneel to the ground as Nesta' eyes turned into silver flames. Somehow, Eve forced herself away from the breath-taking sight and set her eyes on the King who was coming their way with a horde of soldiers. Nesta was doing well- the King certainly was entrapped by her to notice his Cauldron was going to be taken away from him. 

"Duck," she told Nesta who did so immediately. The next second Eve blasted fire- burning hot- in all directions, making sure it only harmed her enemies. Hybern soldiers fell down wherever the fireballs struck them and the King halted his advancement and snarled.

Once the blast of orange was over, and the dust settled down, the King instead of making his way towards them once again, winnowed away.

Eve crooned at the Cauldron' power too then to gain the King' attention. She did not know why he left abruptly but she did the only thing that came to her mind to get his undivided attention. She crooned at the Cauldron, one last game, friend. It answered back- sending shivers down her spine. Who is the prey and who is the predator?

Why can't we be both? Eve mused, making the Cauldron chuckle. Indeed, the reply came and the Cauldron became a spectator once again, letting Eve rumble her power.

It seemed to do the work as the air became thick and time seemed to slow and warp. The dark power of the king speared towards them. Nesta rallied her powers and so did Eve.

He winnowed right in front of them, smiling wickedly. Nesta' powers instantly died down and Cassian stood as still as a leaf on a windless day. Eve simply faltered a little when she saw he held a human against his chest as a shield but stopped completely when Nesta whispered, "Father."

"Nesta," the man with a sword at his throat breathed, a ghost of a smile finding its way on his face. He did not falter when he saw her Fae ears but sadness creeped into his eyes.

The king smiled. "What a loving father- to bring an entire army to save his daughters."

Eve cursed internally. She couldn't do anything without harming Nesta' father and she couldn't use the Cauldron while Amren was doing God's knew what while sacrificing herself.

Only Eve knew of this as she had demanded to know when Amren had come to her, asking her to distract the King and become the prey if it came down to it. She had strict instructions to only interfere with the Cauldron when the situation had become too dire to handle. Needless to say, Eve had agreed. No words of goodbye had been said between them then- both, Amren and Eve knew that if death came they would go with heads held high because it was what was needed.

The King of Hybern tilted his head to peer at my father's bearded and weather-tanned face. "So many things have changed since you were last home. Three daughters, now Fae. One of them married quite well." Her father didn't say anything, simply kept his gaze on his daughter.

"I loved you from the first moment I held you in my arms. And I am ... I am so sorry, Nesta—my Nesta. I am so sorry, for all of it." He croaked.

"Please," Nesta said to the king. Her only word, guttural and hoarse. "Please."

"What will you give me, Nesta Archeron?" Nesta just stared at her father' bloodied face.

"Will you give back what you took?" "Yes." "Even if I have to carve it out of you?" Our father snarled, "Don't you lay your filthy hands on my daughter-" Eve watched in horror as the King of Hybern snapped his head. One moment his eyes had held so much love and fierceness and the next- nothing. Simply nothing.

Nesta did not react, simply let her gaze travel to the ground where her father now lay. Eve wasn't in shock as she was- Eve roared and let herself at the king.

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