43. The meeting (part 1)

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The first thing Eve noticed were the feathered winged males. They looked like guardian angels- flanking their High Lord- carved out of a renaissance painting. "Peregryns, they are his aerial legion," Cass mummered in her ear. Eve nodded.

Next, she took in the grand pool. The water reflected the sun's rays in almost every direction and itself simmered in the light. Lilies, the most exquisite kind, floated and a few fishes could be seen in the transparent shallow pool. Chairs were placed around the small body of water- each made out of white marble, complimenting the ceiling of the room which had a golden chandelier hung from it.

Dawn truly was amazing.

Eve only came back to reality when Thesan welcomed them. "Or," Thesan mused, "since you've called this meeting, perhaps you should be doing the welcoming?" Rhys smiled a bit at that. "I may have requested the meeting, Thesan, but you were the one gracious enough to offer up your beautiful residence." Political talk, Eve mused.

The Lord then looked at Feyre- took her in. His brows flicked up. Rhys only shrugged. The other two High Lords had approached now. "Kallias," Rhys said to the white-haired one, his blue eyes looking like piercing daggers.

Eve stood back as she saw Mor squeal and introduced the Lady of Winter though, she did however give a warm smile when she saw how cute the Winter couple were. Instead of participating though, Eve went and stood beside Nesta who was taking everything in with great scrutiny.

Helion- the most handsome of the three stranger Lords eyes snagged on Nesta who immediately noticed and straightened. His gaze then shifted to her- Eve stared back at him, never backing down. His head tilted to one side as he asked, "who are your guests?" No one answered him.

"She is my sister and our emissary to the human lands," Feyre finally answered, gesturing towards Nesta. "And Eve is our friend and guard," Eve only blinked- surprised. Had to add something, besides, you have helped and protected us more than once anyway, Rhys said in her mind. Eve dipped her head a bit in acknowledgement. Just this once. I failed as one before, I do not plan on doing it again. Rhys eyes shuttered a bit at that statement but regained its usual composure just as quickly.

"They are Fae," Helion stated. Eve rolled her eyes, "well spotted," she said dryly. Helion simply quirked one of his brows. "Who Made them?" Thesan asked.

"Hybern did," Nesta and Eve said at the same time- their expression revealing nothing.

"They threw them in the Cauldron," Feyre said. "Along with my other sister, Elain. After the High Priestess Ianthe and Tamlin sold out Prythian and my family to them." Nesta nodded her silent confirmation while Eve' jaw twitched at her mention. Helion's eyes blazed like a forge. "That is a heavy accusation to make—especially of your former lover."

"It is no accusation," Feyre said, folding her hands in her lap. "We were all there. And now we're going to do something about it."

The other High Lords, except Tamlin, arrived late. Tamlin like expected, was a no-show. For an hour Eve stood silently beside Nesta and listened to the love story of Kallias and Viviane. She was almost about to go to sleep when Thesan announced Tarquin's arrival. The battle of Adriata came back to her in a flash before Helion commented on the blood rubies.

Tarquin arrived with Cressida and Varian flanking him. The tension had increased tenfold which didn't decrease when Beron entered with all his sons and his wife. Eve stood shoulder to shoulder with Nesta as Autumn's clan opened their mouths to spew garbage. Ignoring their rubbish, Eve focused on the fishes swimming in the pool who had not a care in the world and started counting to 100 to calm her mind and heart- to go back to feeling nothing- the only way she knew she would survive and be able to avenge Mike.

This was why she had also taken the anxiety pill for this morning- she had to speak up at this meeting and make sure the others believed her.

A crack of lighting and thunder suddenly was heard and then he appeared, smiling bloodthirstily- Tamlin. Eve bit back a growl- things were about to go down.


Eve was pretty sure her teeth were going to break due to the pressure with which she was grinding them so to keep her mouth shut. The moment Tamlin had opened his mouth to speak, she had to physically refrain herself from launching at him- verbally and with punches. The only thing keeping her from actually doing so was imagining hitting his head with a baseball bat- repeatedly.

Az watched as the meeting went down with Tamlin's arrival. He also saw how tense Eve had become which made him more furious at Tamlin' presence. Others may forgive him one day but he would always hate him- his actions had led to his High Lady almost withering away, led to Mike's demise and were the reason for Eve' suffering and nightmares.

Eve watched his every move from within the shield, like a hawk. She didn't think she was capable of hating someone so much but here she was, sneering at him. He had locked Feyre in- and now that the masks were down, she could finally show how she felt about someone who did not understand the meaning of freedom and consent- he had forcefully taken Feyre from the Night Court. He would pay.

"It would seem congratulations are in order." Tamlin said and Eve blinked- that was new, he was reining himself in. Huh. "We can discuss the matter at hand later." Rhys said to Thesan instead.

"Don't stop on my account," Tamlin spoke again, his eyes still on Rhys. "I'm not in the business of discussing our plans with enemies."

"No," Tamlin said with nonchalance, "you're just in the business of fucking them." Eve felt everyone go as still as death- not a sound, not a word. Her eyes guttered- how low had Tamlin gone after Under the Mountain.

"Seems a far less destructive alternative to war." Rhys smiled as he said that though Eve knew it was fake, what Tamlin had said had found a mark.

"And yet here you are, having started it in the first place." Eve let out a sigh and closed her eyes to recollect herself. How did Tamlin not understand that Feyre left on her own, that Rhys was much better a male than he would ever be, that the war started when Tamlin sold Prythian to Hybern? Eve wasn't a High Lord and had far less experience, yet she knew better than the excuse of a ruler sitting in front of her.

It was going to be a long meeting. 

Happy reading :)


the amazing author 

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