12. Starfall again

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The day of Mike and Eve's anniversary of streaking through the sky came faster than expected. Pretty soon, Eve was dressing up with Mor's help. See, the thing was Eve knew bare minimum about make-up and insisted on leaving her shoulder length hair as it is. Mor on the other hand, had different opinions.

"You will sit down and let me do your hair and make-up. You will also wear the necklace I got for you and then you can put on your dress and heels and then only will you leave this room to eat pastries," Mor ordered the now 19-year-old Eve.

Her birthday had been last week. And even after Mike's insistence, she didn't disclose the day as she did not want anyone to go through the trouble of celebrating something when they already missed Rhysand. So, Mike had just taken her out with Bri who had made another cute cake. Mike and her spent the night in the House making forts like the ones they had in New York when they were kids and spent the night in each other's blissful company.

"There, all done," Mor said after she inspected Eve critically. "Thank you, you are an angel," and with that Eve rushed off to feed her pastry cravings. Mor chuckled at the running figure; she was happy to have met Eve.


Az blinked. She looked stunning. His shadows for once had stopped buzzing and had gone silent as they too watched the female in front of them. She was debating which chocolate was better- milk or white- with Bri. "What do you think Az? Which one is better?" she asked, raising him from his stupor. "Dark," he answered and Eve chuckled. "Why am I not surprised," she sighed, though amused. Az rolled his eyes, "what about you?" "Milk," she answered proudly.

"Oh my god, are you two still arguing about that?" Mike came into view shaking his head. "Come on, argue later. The main event is about to start," he said and gestured them to follow him where Az saw Mor talking with Cassian and Amren.

"Happy Starfall people," Eve greeted them. "Happy Starfall." "Hope you won't fall on someone this time princess," Cass smirked. Eve rolled her eyes, "this time I am planning to fall for someone. Tell me if you find someone interesting." Eve hummed and made a great deal to look about. Cass raised his brows, Az choked on his drink a bit while the others laughed. Satisfied, she smirked at Cass.


"Woah," Mike's voice was filled with awe. Eve simply nodded- her whole being hooked on the stars in front of her. Till the time she was done looking her fill everyone was already on the dance floor... all but Az who leaned against the doorframe as he watched the sky. "Think anyone will fall through this year?" Eve asked him. "No one as amazing as you," he replied, his voice a bit husky. Eve blushed making Az satisfied. Chuckling he asked, "Will you dance with me, milady?" he bowed and extended his hand.

Eve laughed; her cheeks tinged pink. "I most certainly will, sir," she said taking his hand. Az's eyes visibly darkened.

"You write, sing, sketch, give good suggestions and dance. What can't you do?" Az asked two minutes into the dance. It was a slow song and the couple were swaying to the beat. Eve was visibly flushed and Az was intoxicated by her scent- green tea leaves and chocolate.

"Hmm," Eve scrunched up her nose as if trying very hard to come up with something. "Oh, I can't play piano yet and have no patience to cook. Also, I majorly suck at chemistry and physics." She felt Az chuckle and shivered. God, he looked so handsome. He had exceeded her expectations of how handsome someone could be.

Suddenly, Az stiffened. She looked up, concern in her eyes. "Did I do something wrong or-"

"No! No, it's just that a few males are looking this way and-" he shook his head. Why was he telling Eve this, it was not like they were together or anything.

"Jealous Shadowsinger?" she laughed, surprising him. He shook his head and hoping he was not blushing said, "slightly annoyed is all." They fell into comforting silence, not noticing other people's stares. Az had never danced with anybody outside the Inner Circle for more than one or two dances. And here he was, dancing his third without a stop.

"When is your birthday?" He asked Eve abruptly. "Oh, um, last week," she said and grimaced as she knew what was going to come. And she was right. Az stopped swaying. "Why didn't you tell me?" Eve must be imagining the hurt in his voice right? 

"Well, you all were so sad and down you know? I didn't feel like celebrating my birthday in the midst of that," she said softly. Az sighed, understanding her predicament. He was also touched at how much Eve cared about the Inner Circle... about him.

"Well, you must let me make it up to you. Tomorrow evening." She looked up at him and gave in, albeit a bit hesitantly. Az smiled, looking forward to tomorrow and for the first time in a long time, he was excited. He was going to make sure Eve had a fantastic time. 

Happy reading! 


the amazing author who is reeling over the ending of The Fault in our Stars.... again

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