4. Mor' Birthday!

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"Hello Brigitte, how are we this fine evening?" Eve asked as she entered the cafe. Over the past few weeks since she had first discovered the shop, she had become a regular. Brigitte was one of the Fae who worked there and had seemed to take a liking to Eve after she had complimented Brigitte's cinnamon rolls... she was also owner. 

"Very well actually. How are you? Traumatized anyone lately?" She asked chuckling. Right... Mike had caught Eve with a male in one of the alleyways having a full blown out make-out session and had screamed like a baby. Afterwards, he had made her sit down and explain that he did not need to see his best friend have 'fun' with random Fae people. Eve had explained that she needed a release from everything and then they had spent the rest of the time getting high on sadness, crying shamelessly followed by laughing at their horrible state. 

"Let that go will you," Eve laughed. "Also, two hot chocolates please. Mike is coming over and we are aiming to complete the lyrics of our new song." 

"All you two do is write and tune stuff," Brigitte whined. Well, Eve mostly focused on writing while Mike tuned the music and played the instruments. "When will I hear you two play?" Bri asked.

"You are never letting that go are you?" Eve asked. "Come play at my café during evenings... just one song at least," Bri begged, she knew how good they were when she had heard the two passionately writing and humming last month. "I will ask Mike and if he is ok then," Eve shrugged. 

"Really?" Bri asked, eyes wide. "Really," Eve laughed. Bri squealed and left to make Eve's order.

"The Inner Circle is coming over a bit early today, Azriel told me when we flew down here. Also, we have to wear fancy," Mike said as a way of greeting. Right, due to the thousand steps, someone winnowed or flew them to the city almost every day... it was a bit hectic. "Any clue as to why?" Eve asked. Mike shook his head.

"Ok then, no use worrying. So.... Bri proposed we should sing here during evenings," Eve said. 

"I mean we could.... There isn't much we do anyway, plus it will be a good way to attract crowd and earn some money," Mike said, he already knew that Eve loved performing in front of crowds (though she always got nervous at start).

"Actually.... We didn't get to the money part," Eve said hesitantly. The duo had wanted a way to earn and be independent but it was a bit harder than they had expected. "One gold mark to each of you per two songs. Entertain the crowd for an hour every weekend. Do the math," Bri said suddenly coming into view with the delicious milkshake. "Rest of the time, you can work here if you want."

"Are- are you sure?" Eve asked. 

"Yes, now do we have a deal?" Bri asked, trying not to get excited... this was a win-win situation after all. Mike and Eve had a silent conversation for a few moments before nodding their heads. "Yayyy," Bri clapped her hands and left, skipping. Eve and Mike chuckled at their friend's antics. She reminded them of Sarah- one of their friends from Earth. Sighing, the duo spent the rest of the evening talking and roaming the streets of Velaris.


6 more months had come and gone by. Today marked a whole 49 years and 2 weeks since Rhys had left them. Sighing, Azriel changed from his leathers to dinner attire. They were meeting early today to celebrate Mor' birthday. She wanted to keep it lowkey this year and they all understood that. Azriel wasn't surprised when she said she wanted Eve and Mike to be there too, they all had grown quite close. Azriel was particularly looking forward to how the duo would react when they found out it was Mor' birthday and they hadn't been told before. Straightening his tie, he left his room and made his way to the House of the Wind dining hall with red wine in his hand.

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