6. Java Café

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Eve was a bit nervous. This would be the first time she was performing in front of a huge crowd. Bri had gone out of her way to tell people to come that evening to hear the duo's performance. By the look on Mike's face, Eve knew he was loving this. They both loved performing but Mike had always been more confident than Eve when it came down to it. Eve took her time adjusting while Mike didn't need the time; he shone instantly. "Ready?" Mike asked her as the crowd was settling down. "As ready as I will ever be," and with that they made their way to the center of the café.

The place was a bit crowded. Az stayed in his shadows watching as Eve and Mike made their way to the center. Mor had some business to deal with so, only Cass, Amren and he had come to hear the duo.

Eve looked around and noticed Bri almost on her toes in anticipation. Besides her stood Cassian, Amren and Azriel. She sent all three of them grateful smiles before Mike started playing the piano. They had decided to start with a romantic song, a sure people pleaser. And so, she started singing and the whole place held their breath.

The dark times have come, oh they have come for me, and the only thing I need is you,   

the only light I need is you, your laughter, your smile.

Your arms are my solace, my home, cuz baby, all I need in this dark times is you.

My love, my love ohhh, my love, my love.

Az' breathe hitched. They sounded amazing, with Eve's voice and Mike's vocalizing and piano skills, they held sway over the entire room. When they finished, cheers rang through the crowd, all thoroughly touched by power of the song.

Eve in joy, hugged Mike who laughed. Success. "Rock my café like this every weekend will you?" Bri asked, coming into view. She hugged them both and handed them drinks 'on the house'. Eve grinned while Mike nodded enthusiastically.

The Inner Circle made their way towards the duo who were being held hostage by Bri. Eve saw them and waved them over while she was being crushed to death by Bri. Az chuckled and went to help her.

"That was amazing," he said and Bri hearing the Shadowsinger let Eve out of the embrace. "Thanks," Mike and Eve said in unison. "You two are not bad," Amren commented earning grins from the duo. "Did you really write that?" Cass asked them suspiciously. Eve rolled her eyes, "of course we did, we are brilliant," Eve said, flipping her hair. Mike put an arm around her shoulder, "we sure are."

They had the dinner at Java's instead of Rita's that night. The Inner Circle along with the duo occupied the corner table and were making the most noise. Az sat quietly drinking his wine, only stopping to observe how the two humans had found a place in Velaris and to roast Cassian (obviously). Amren gave her input now and then.

Mor spent the first half of dinner complaining that it wasn't fair that she hadn't been able to hear them while Cass was trying to hold a tune... and utterly failing. "That's horrible," Mike said, shaking his head while Eve was shaking with laughter. Cassian huffed, "nonsense, I sound amazing." "You sound like a donkey, a wailing donkey," Eve said laughing. Az tried hiding his grin at Cass's scowl.

After another hour or so, everyone left one by one. Cassian and Amren left while Mor winnowed Mike back to the House of the Wind. Mike and Mor left after Eve asked if she could roam the streets for some time and Az agreed.

"Oh, today was good," Eve sighed as she lazily walked around observing the Fae. "It was," Az confirmed. 

"Tell me something Shadowsinger, do you sing to your shadows when no one is around?" Az was caught off guard, this was new. "I am a Spymaster too. I don't tell my secrets, I collect others'" Az smiled and looked sideways at her. "Oh, come on, step out of your monotonous comfort zone," she said while kicking a lone pebble out of her way. "I promise I won't tell anybody," she said in a sing-song manner. Azriel studied her for a second before saying, "sometimes." And although that's all he said, Eve was satisfied. "You are going to sing to me one of these days," she said and before Az could deny it, a Fae male came into view, blocking Eve's path.

Az was instantly on alert. Eve looked at the male and rose her brows. "Well?" she asked, tapping her foot against the cobblestone. "Stay away from my brother, you filthy human," he hissed, making Azriel snarl. How dare he.

"Your brother?" Eve asked, slightly happy that Az rose up to her defense. The male glanced through one of the shops were Eve saw oh- the man she had made out with before Mike had interrupted them. "It was a one-time thing hon," she said fake laughing; who did the male think she was? She wasn't going to ask him out, she wasn't some desperate human for goodness sake. It was a one-time thing!

The male snarled again. Eve was a bit scared now though she did not show it. Az smelt Eve's bitterness with a tang of fear. "I suggest you leave before I make you regret ever walking here," Az said in a deadly calm voice. A shiver went through Eve's spine, not out of fear though. The male in question gulped, finally seeing the Spymaster, and left hastily.

"Are you alright?" Az asked Eve softly, although still a bit angry. "Fine, thank you," she said and Az was only able to nod. Sighing Eve asked, "can we go back? I'm a bit tired." Az nodded and offered her his hand. Eve was pleased, Az never let anyone touch his hands but seemed to make an exception for her these days.

Back in her room, the words of the male echoed in her mind. Mike was already asleep so she was alone. Filthy human, it echoed. 

She usually overlooked their Fae v/s her human body but today it seemed to resurface. Of course, she felt out of place. She was a human in a Fae city, hell she was a human from another world. She had her moments where she felt utterly defenseless, useless and dependent on the Inner Circle. She hated herself for that too, a feeling that she hadn't felt since she was seventeen. Barely two years had passed, and that feeling was back. 

Hopefully, when the morning comes all of this will be back on the farthest shelf, Eve thought and closed her eyes. It was going to be a long night. 

Happy reading :)


the amazing author who is craving donuts

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