Chapter 1

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The Journey Begins

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"(Y/N) (L/N), I sentence you to life in prison!" The officer shouted. I felt my heart beat suddenly stop.

I look over to the right at my family, who were looking at me, disappointed and hurt. I betrayed them, I betrayed An, and I betrayed the Shogun, and so I have to pay the consequences for it.

Before the other officers could appear behind and take me, I make a desperate sprint into the forest. Behind me, I could hear the shouts and cries of the officers ordering me to come back.

But I didn't have a death wish, and so I continue my sprint heading deeper and deeper into the woods, until I felt out of breath, and until my feet couldn't bear my weight anymore.

I placed my hand on my chest, clenching as hard as I can, while breathing deeply as I can. I slumped by a tree, exhausted, and try to take in what I had just done, and what impact it just made to my life.

I... Did it... I thought to myself, pants now turning into slow breaths. I ran away from the Shogun's Army...

After I finished that train of thought, I heard footsteps coming from the edges of the woods.


It wouldn't take long for them to eventually catch up to me, and I would be captured. Being aware of this, although still exhausted, I ran deeper into the woods.

I kept running. Here and there, I'd see shrines, naku weed, and sometimes hilichurls and other larger versions of them.

Eventually, my legs gave in. I fell over on the grass. Panting, I try to push myself up. However, I fail, and I allow myself to lay and rest on the grass.

For a moment, I feel a sense of relief, as I no longer could hear their footsteps. But of course, this relief quickly ended, as I heard footsteps coming from the direction I came from.

However, they weren't the steady marching I heard before, no, it sounded like running. I stood myself up, ready to run away if it were a soldier or officer, but instead, they were a total stranger.

His looks were as of a samurai, and a cat was peaking from his chest. He had blonde with a hint of grey, hair. His white gridded purple scarf gently fell down to his chest, then back up again as he was running closer.

The main thing my eye focused on however, was the Electo vision that dangles near his scarf.

"You're... A vision bearer..." I said, as he slowed down until he's now in front of me. I instinctively tried to push myself up and run before he could do anything, but my legs were still exhausted, which caused me to trip not after two steps.

He ran up to me, and placed his hand on my back, as if to calm down my now uneasy breathing.

"Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you." He said reassuringly.

"Yo-You're not one of them??" I quietly asked, hoping he'd understand what I'm referring to.

"I'm not. I'd have to be crazy if I were to join them." He replied with a closed eye smile.

Somehow, I felt more relaxed. It could have been because I could trust him, or maybe was it his smile?

I got back up, and shook the dirt off me.

"Who are you anyway?" I asked, a bit curious on where he came from.

"I'm a wanderer on these lands. My name isn't important." He said, while looking at the scenery, but panned his eyes towards me.

"However, i'd like to know what you could have done to make yourself wanted all throughout Inazuma." He smiled, "Seeing that you don't even have a vision yourself."

It seems information gets around quickly...

"I- uhh..." I awkwardly placed my hand to my neck. How am I supposed to tell him everything that I did and what happened?

"It's a long story.." I said in a tone I hoped he get the hint at. And surprisingly, it worked.

"Ahah, I see what you mean.." He chuckled. "It must've been that bad, huh?"

"Y-yeah..." I awkwardly said. Hold on, didn't he say he was a wanderer?

"Well then, I must get going. I wish you a safe trip, to wherever you were going." He said, before turning around.


"W-Wait!" I suddenly shouted. His head turned around back at me with a curious look.

"I don't... actually have a place to stay..." I said. "Can I come with you instead..?"

His mouth opened, but before any words could come out, "I'll try not to be a burden to you! I wanna become a wanderer, but I don't know where to start!" I added.

Of course, the last part was sort of a lie. I didn't actually want to become a wanderer, nor did I actually consider it, until the incident I had caused that made me wanted in Inazuma City.

But I didn't think it would be as bad to be wanted throughout Inazuma.

He chuckled at me, and placed his hand on his chin, certainly considering the thought. His cat meowed at me, and it's tail puckered out of the wanderer's chest.

"Alright." He suddenly said, which startled me, as I didn't expect him to reply. I thought that he would shake his head and walk away.

But instead, he nods.

"You can come along with me."

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