Chapter 28

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Rex Lapis

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We arrived in Liyue mid morning, in where people were selling items to, who I assume are travelers and tourists in Liyue. I assume they are also here to watch the Rite of Descenion.

"Do you have the Cor Lapis?" I asked, as he checks his pockets. He nods in response as we head to the area where the pot was.

A lot of people were surrounding it. There were a few soldiers here and there, but I'm sure they were just there to keep things in control.

"Over there!" I shouted suddenly as my eyes settled at a table. It was full of various items, ranging from ores, rocks, food, flowers, letters, and even money.

"I assume this is where people place their offerings?" Kazuha said as he set down the rock. It fitted in with the other items, but also stood out in its own way.

"Come on!" I said excitingly, tugging at Kazuha's arm and ran to the front. "It's about to begin!"

Our hands connected in eagerness as we stepped into the front, with a clear view of the pot, and a lady, who I assume was Ningguang.

Ningguang, as I heard from people while walking around in Liyue, is the richest person in Tevyat.

Nearby, I could see blonde hair poking out from the crowd. Aether's here-!

Before I was about to tell Kazuha, Ningguang took a step forward.

"The hour is upon us." She declared. Is it beginning?

Right after, what I assume to be some type of crystals, were summoned, whizzing around Ningguang.

She then sent them into the pot, which caused it to glow an immense geo color.

I watched in fascination as a stream of light shot up into the sky, the clouds circling the light. Kazuha's grip on my hand got tighter.

Unexpectedly, instead of what I assume the Geo Archon would fly around the city as appearance, he just fell straight down, smashing into the pot, breaking it.

"W-What..." I mumbled under my breath. Is.. Is this supposed to happen??

"Something isn't right." Kazuha replied, as if he knew what I was thinking.

Ningguang rushed over to the limp being, and the people around us were whispering, mumbling to each other.

"Rex Lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!" Ningguang suddenly shouted out.

Seal the exits?!

The Millelith were already rushing inside. Some were guarding the gates, making sure no one would pass. Others were starting to interview suspicious looking people.

"(Y/N), we have to get out of here." Kazuha mumbled, trying not to be heard by the people around us. "We're the suspicious people here, as we're from Inazuma-"

"Hey!" One of the Millelith suddenly appeared from in front of us.

Kazuha sets my hand on my blade's handle, and nodded. There was no other choice but to attack. If we try to run, we'll get spotted either way.

"Have you two ever-" He started to question, but I swiftly slashed at him, careful not to make a fatal blow.

He fell to the ground, and looked at us in anger, and what I assume, hatred.

"These two killed Rex Lapis!!" He screamed out. He must have done it out of fear, as he was hiding his face with his hands, waiting for the next blow.

"Let's go!" I shouted at Kazuha, who already has his blade out.

We both made a dash to the exit, the Millelith chasing just behind us. As I ran, I caught a glimpse of Aether.

This felt all too familiar. As if I've already done this before, and this is second nature.

"Grab onto me!" Kazuha shouted as we reached a building's wall.

"Halt! We have you surrounded!!" The Millelith ordered, as they pointed their spears at us.

"Only down here!" I shouted back as I cling myself on Kazuha's back, wrapping my hands around his chest.

Then, as if one with the wind, Kazuha was able to jump high enough, just barley reaching the top of the roof.

He clanged him hand onto the edge it, his grip barley slipping because of the weight.

I grabbed onto the edge, to relief some of the weight. Kauzha then was able to pull himself up, then me.

I looked down at the soldiers, who were staring at us with awe, but then ran down the stairs, to find a different path to get to us.

"Do you think Beidou's still here?" I asked, panting.

He looked over at the dock, then back at me, and nodded.

"Her ship is still here." He said. "Are you sure about going there..?"

"Well, the Inn isn't an option right now, is it?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

Kazuha sighed. "It was nice not being wanted for a while."

"Did- Did you just make a joke about us being wanted??" I asked, surprised, as we jumped from roof to roof, getting closer to the harbor.

"No, but It's true." He smiled at me.

Even at the worst of times, being with Kazuha puts me at ease, knowing he's alright. Knowing he's by my side.

I think it's the same for him too.

We jumped off the last roof, landing harshly onto the ground. The people around us were shocked, and I could tell what was going on in their heads.

Oh! The new people from Inazuma! Did they kill Rex Lapis? I thought about what was going on in their minds.

We both dashed to the ship, but it seems the Millelith are still way behind, as I could barley see any movement through the crowd.

"Kazuha! (Y/N)!" I heard Beidou shout from the ship. The ramp was gone, and seeing as the sails are up, they were about to depart.

"Grab on!" She held out her hand, and Kazuha jumped up and grabbed it. Once he got on, he placed his hand down, and I took it, grabbing it firmly as I try to pull myself up.

Once I was up, both of our weights were unbalanced, causing me to fall over on top of Kazuha's legs.

We both panted in exhaustion, and Beidou looks at us questioningly.

"What did you two do this time??" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

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