Chapter 30

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Vision Prize

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It's been almost a month since that day of joining the Crux. Beidou took us in like family, and along the way, taught us various ways of the sea, how to survive each storm, how to last several days stranded, and so on.

Still, Kazuha enjoys to go up high places and watch the sky and the stars, pointing out if it may rain or not by just reading the wind.

I occasionally go up with him, but other times I have to go on cleaning duty on the deck.

And now, after traveling seas, and occasionally getting good loot from chests on islands, we're finally heading back to Liyue to prepare for the Crux Clash.

"We should be landing shortly in the harbor." Kauzha calls out as he slides down the pole.

Hearing this, I immediately throw down the broom, and rushed over to the railing of the ship. Just faintly, I could make out the outline of Liyue.

"Do you think we're still wanted?" I asked Kazuha who was walking up to me. "I mean, did they find out who killed Rex Lapis?"

He shook his head. "They may have, and may have not, but I'm sure that we're not on their minds right now.." Kazuha tries to reassure me.

I nodded in response.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Your cleaning duty?!" I heard someone shout from behind me.

"I'll be right back!!" I shouted back. I looked over at Kazuha and sighed. "See you soon." He nodded at me, and I walked over to pick up the fallen broom.

. . .

Sighing, I place the broom back at the wall, and looked around my surroundings for Kazuha.

I couldn't see him anywhere, so I looked up, and there he was, staring off into the sky. I waved my arms to get his attention, but his vision was fixated up.

Giving up, I go back to railing before and looked out to Liyue.

It was much more closer than before, and I could start to make shape of the harbor. Hearing footsteps, I turn to my right, and see Beidou making her way to me.

"(Y/N)! What's keeping you here away from your boyfriend??" Beidou patted my back aggressively but friendly.

"Ack-" I coughed at the force she applied. "H-He's.." I rubbed my back where she hit.

She grinned at me as I moved my hand away. "He's at the pole again, but staring off into the sky." I explained.

"I see.." Beidou turned around and up at the pole, where Kazuha was. "Hey! Maple kid!" She shouted out.

Kazuha still staring into space, unaffected by Beidou's shouting.

"Kazuha!!" She placed her hands beside her mouth, yelling louder than before. The only reaction from him, was him turning his head around to stare off into another section of the sky.

"Huh." Beidou placed down her arms, looking surprised. "I think the kid is meditating or something."

"I think you're right." I nodded. "Oh! Right, the Crux Clash, it's tomorrow, right?" I said, suddenly remembering the topic.

"Yeah, of course! We're not going to Liyue for nothing." She chuckled. "We're heading there to advertise. As for the prize..." She placed her hand on her chin. "I don't have one."

"W-What??" I replied, surprised. "I thought you would have the prize already set?!"

"I thought you and your lover would help me come up with one last minute, which is why I need you two now." She sighed. "Any suggestions?"

"Mora maybe?" I placed my hand on my chin, trying to come up with ideas.

"Nah, sounds to obvious. We need something special, something that people want to fight in the arena for." Beidou suggested.

Kazuha would know... I gazed back up.

"Kazuhaaa!" I shouted the loudest I could. Somehow, it worked, and his attention finally turned to me.

Jumping down, he slid off the pole back onto the ground.

"Need me?" Kazuha asked as he makes his way towards us.

"Are you alright?? Beidou tried calling for you earlier.." My hand intertwined with his like a magnet.

"Oh, I was just spacing off." He shook his head. "Inazuma by now... The trees would be bare."

I thought back to when the leaves would fall, leaving the trees just bare enough, to were you couldn't hide from the sun anymore.

"We're trying to come up for a prize for the Crux Clash." I explained to him. "But we're having trouble trying to come up with one..."

"A prize... Well, why not mora?" He suggested.

"Apparently, Beidou thinks that's too boring." I sighed as she chuckled at me.

"Any ideas maple boy?" She grinned as she playfully punches Kazuha in the shoulder.

He sighed, and thought for a while that seemed like a year.

"Well, how about a vision..?" Kazuha suddenly said.

I felt my eyes widen a bit at his suggestion. "A... A vision??" I question.

"A vision?" Beidou repeated. "Why a vision?" She crosses her arms.

And where is he gonna get another vision...?

... Unless...

He pulled out the empty vision. One I recognized as the one I grabbed, burning my hands.

"Kazuha-" I said, feeling unsure of this.

"Say, if they win, they get to keep this, and also have a chance of igniting it up once again.." He said, clutching it in his hand, staring off into the blank, grey space, what was once purple, sparking with ambition.

"Hmm..." Beidou thought, taking it into consideration. "Then, I guess I may approve it."

"W-What??" I stared at Beidou in shock. "Kazuha, why would you..?"

"If someone were able to win, and claim his vision, I promise I'll tell you what I've been thinking for a while." He stared into my eyes with determination, his hands gripping mine in reassurance.

"Trust me." He added, softening his face.

"I-... Okay.." Hesitantly, I nodded.

"Aaand..." Beidou turned around, as the ship started to slow down, the wind no longer breezing in our faces.

"Welcome back to Liyue."

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