Chapter 23

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Him Again

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I woke up to the sound of rustling next to me. Opening my eyes, I notice someone changing into the clothes from the closet.

"Kazuha..?" I mumbled, focusing my vision to be less blurry.

I heard him chuckle. "Good morning, (Y/N)."

I pulled away the blanket, which sent a rush of cold air to my bare body, causing me to shiver.

Trying to remember why I was naked last night only sent my face to a deep red.

"Are there any more spare clothes in there?" I asked, getting up from the bed.

Kazuha nodded, and pointed to the neatly folded row of clothes, some range in various colors, but Kazuha picked the ones that most resembled his original clothes.

I picked some ones that would look nice on me, and changed into it.

"Do you have any plans in mind for today..?" Kazuha raised an eyebrow at me.

"Uhm... Maybe we could go back to Liyue harbor, and find a new sword to get." I picked up the dull blade laying against the wall. "This one is pretty hard to use to defeat enemies."

He nodded, and grabbed his as well. "Alright then. How about we defeat some enemies on the way?"

"That works fine for me." I smiled, and we start our way out of our room, and out the inn.

The lady at the receptionist table smiled at us, but didn't say anything. I gave her a small wave as we stepped out.

Did she hear what happened last night??

Kazuha and I headed down the elevator, until we reached the bottom.

The bright warm sun beamed against my skin. It's hard to believe it's the same sun I see in Inazuma.

We started to walk our way down the path, back to the city. Only instead, we didn't have to run, or feel paranoid about potentially being spotted and reported to the soldiers.

We were, actually free. Free from a prison with the excuse of eternity. Free from our past troubles, to live a life somewhere anew.

But, the feeling of emptiness was crawling at the back of mind. Was it the fear of knowing that I have to go back there again?

Or was it the fear of their deaths, knowing that I can't do anything to avenge them. I'm still weak.

"(Y/N)!" Kazuha pulled my arm, stopping myself in my tracks, and my thoughts. "I told you, watch out for those hilichurls."

I looked up, and saw a camp of them, cooking food, others were sleeping, or standing idly.

"S-Sorry." I grabbed out my sword. "I spaced out a bit."

Kazuha placed his hand on my arm. "We're going to be fine, okay?" He gave a warm hearted smile. "It'll be okay."

I stared into his eyes, which were the deep crimson color I saw before. But something was burning inside. Was it passion? His ambition? Or something else?

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