Chapter 16

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Their Apology

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"Are you smelling me..?" I said, raising an eyebrow at the concentrated man. He's been concentrating and staring off into space as he takes long deep breaths.

But, it seems I startled him, causing him to jump by my sudden sentence.

"Ahah! I knew it-!" I joked, a smirk slowly creeping up my mouth.

"No... I was just... Thinking." He replied, turning his face to the side.

"Thinking about what?" I said, pulling my self closer to him, now resting my head on his lap.

He looked down at me, and placed his hand on my chin, gently rubbing his thumb on my cheeks.

Kazuha chuckled a bit, his face flushing a light rosy pink. "About you."

I widened my eyes at the sudden complement. I covered face slightly to hide the fact I was melting on the inside from the complement.

"I- I..." I said, flustered. "H-Hey-!" I desperately tried to change the subject. "We almost died b-back there!"

But, he seemed unaffected by the sentence, and leans down, pulling my hand away from my face, and gently kissing me on the cheek.

"I told you.. Don't hide yourself from me.." He mumbled under his breath.

We both stared at each other, admiring his deep crimson eyes, sparking with hope, and a desire.

I wonder.. What does he see in my eyes?

He laid down on the stone floor, and nuzzled his head onto my neck, taking on my warmth. I could feel his arms wrapping around my waist, and I pulled him closer.

I felt his chest rise and fall next to mine, and if it was silent enough, I could hear his heart beat. I rest my head on top of his, feeling the soft, fluffy cream colored hair.

"(Y/N)..." He mumbled from my neck.

"Hm?" I hummed as I stared to mess around with each curl, seeing how they would curl themselves again even when I straighten them up.

"Are you upset about... your friend..?" Hesitantly, he asked. And I wouldn't blame him.

Being with him, and that fight, distracted me from the fact that Bee lied to me, even after they found out I was alive. I should be upset at them, mad even.

But, the way they looked at me, reminded me of how desperate they were. Desperate enough to betray their best friend.

Maybe, I'm not ready to forgive them, if they're meant to be forgiven at all.

"I'm not sure how to feel about them." I responded, a bit monotone.

"I see..." Kazuha sighs, and pulls me tighter to him.

From each other's warmth, and the fire, I already felt my eyes get heavy, and the feeling of fatigue sent a wave throughout my body.

"Let's just... sleep here for now.." I suggested, closing my eyes, and resting my fingers between his curls.

I expected a response back, but it seems that he already seems tired enough.

- Kazuha's POV -

I clenched her tightly in my grasp. I wasn't necessarily tired, but I just needed (Y/N).

(Y/N) and I alone, with no interruptions.

But, having to do... in a cave, wouldn't be the best. Having her all to myself in my arms, is fine enough for me.

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